(a) Change from Nonconforming Status to Conforming Status. If the intended change in use is to a conforming use that is allowed in the district where the property is located, and if the proposed use complies with all of the development standards of this UDO applicable to that district, the change to the nonconforming use may be obtained in the same manner as permission to make the initial use of a vacant lot. Once conformity with this UDO is achieved, the property may not revert to nonconforming status.
   (b) Nonconforming Use Change. A change from one nonconforming use to another shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission in accordance with Chapter 1137. The standards for review shall include whether the proposed modification of the use is a reasonable for the zoning district, determined by evaluation of each of the following factors:
      (1)    Whether the property cannot reasonably be developed for the use proposed without such deviations.
      (2)    Whether these deviations are necessitated by the size or shape of the nonconforming lot.
      (3)    Whether the proposed use is sufficiently similar to the former use.
      (4)    Whether the proposed use has no greater negative impact than the former use.
      (5)    Whether the proposed use is equally or more appropriate; and/or
      (6)    Whether the proposed use falls within the same category as another land use permitted or conditionally permitted in the zoning district.
      (7)    Whether the property can be developed as proposed without any significantly adverse impact on surrounding properties or the public health or safety.
   (c) If a modification to a nonconforming use is permitted, the Planning Commission may:
      (1)   Impose any restrictions designed to mitigate the negative impacts of the modification to the nonconforming use.
      (2)   Define with precision exactly which uses on a multi-use property are nonconforming.