The incorporated territory of the City if hereby divided into zone districts for residential, commercial, and industrial uses. All such regulations are uniform for each building, structure or use within each zone district.
   (a)   Residential Districts. The following residential districts are hereby established. Each of these districts is designed and intended to be secure for the persons who reside there a comfortable, healthy, safe, and pleasant environment in which to live, sheltered from incompatible and disruptive activities that properly belong in nonresidential districts. These districts are created to accomplish the additional purposes and serve the objectives set forth in the remainder of this section.
      (1)   Agricultural District. The purpose of this district is to protect areas which are uniquely suitable for agricultural production and to control indiscriminate urban development in agricultural areas.
      (2)   R-1 Single-Family Low Density Suburban Residential District. The R-1 Single-Family Low Density Suburban Residential District is established to accommodate single-family residential dwellings at a density of four dwelling units per net acre.
      (3)    R-2 One and Two-Family Low Density Urban Residential District. The purpose of the R-2 One and Two-Family Low Density Urban Residential District is to provide for single and two-family residences at a density of four to five dwelling units per acre.
      (4)    R-3 Medium Density Urban Residential District. The purpose of the R-3 Medium Density Urban Residential District is to encourage a relatively high density residential development in areas generally adjacent to the built-up sections of the community or in areas of existing development of such density, and thereby providing a more orderly and efficient extension of public facilities. The development is to consist of single-family, two-family and multi-family dwellings not exceeding a density of eight dwelling units per net acre, and only in areas served with City sanitary sewer and water facilities.
      (5)   P-CD Planned Conservation Development District. The P-CD District provides an alternative zoning category intended to maximize the conservation of natural features and open space in perpetuity while allowing greater design flexibility in the arrangement and construction of dwelling units and roads with development concentrated in an innovative and efficient manner. The P-CD District is intended to encourage imaginative subdivision design resulting in a well-integrated development in terms of major design elements such as roads, drainage systems, utilities, and open space. These regulations are intended to achieve the following purposes:
         A.    To maximize protection of Louisville's natural resources by;
            1.   Preservation and protection of sensitive natural water resource areas, flood plains, marshes and wetlands from development other than open spaces or recreational uses;
            2.   Preservation and protection of wildlife habitats and areas of significant scenic and ecological value;
            3.   Maintaining natural characteristics (such as woods, hedgerows, natural vegetation, meadows, slopes, and streams);
            4.   Preservation and protection of distinctive, geologic, topographic, botanic, historic, or scenic areas;
            5.   Retention of natural drainage patterns and reducing the quantity and improving the quality of storm water runoff from expected development; and
            6.   Reduction of the amount of disturbed land, the conversion of natural areas to landscaped areas for lawns, and the use of invasive vegetation.
         B.    Retaining for the property owner the residential density (averaged over the entire development) as permitted under the pre-existing conventional zoning for the property.
         C.    To encourage more efficient use of land and public services through unified development and creative design solutions in a manner which best conserves the area's resources.
         D.    To ensure that the proposed Conservation Development complies with the objectives of Louisville as expressed in the Louisville Community Plan and other city planning.
   (b)    Commercial Districts. The following commercial districts are hereby established. These districts are created to accomplish the purposes and serve the objectives set forth in the remainder of this section.
      (1)    B-1 Neighborhood Business District. The B-1 Neighborhood Business District is established to provide for uses principally to accommodate the sale of convenience retail goods and personal services. . It is intended that the design of this district will encourage groupings of establishments located on a unified site providing adequate off-street parking facilities as well as an efficient and safe method of handling vehicular and pedestrian traffic. All final development plans for exterior building alterations or renovations, building additions, or new construction for structures and property located in the Design Review District shall first submit to the Design and Review Board for their recommendation or approval. The Board's recommendation or approval shall be based upon the review of the submitted plans and the criteria in Section 1134. In making a recommendation or approval, the Design and Review Board may propose any conditions necessary to insure that the proposed development plan meets the requirements in this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (2)    B-2 Suburban Office and Limited Business District. The B-2 Suburban Office and Limited Business District is established to create an environment conducive to well-located and designed office building sites to accommodate professional offices, nonprofit organizations and limited business service activities. All final development plans for exterior building alterations or renovations, building additions, or new construction for structures and property located in the Design Review District shall first submit to the Design and Review Board for their recommendation or approval. The Board's recommendation or approval shall be based upon the review of the submitted plans and the criteria in Section 1134. In making a recommendation or approval, the Design and Review Board may propose any conditions necessary to insure that the proposed development plan meets the requirements in this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (3)    B-3, Downtown Commercial District. The purpose of the B-3, Downtown Commercial District is to promote the following objectives in the downtown area of the City of Louisville: (1) to encourage a mix of commercial, office, limited light industrial, and mixed residential uses; developed in a manner consistent with the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan; (2) to permit multi-story buildings and structures within reduced setbacks from the street that preserve and promote ground-floor retail uses with office and residential uses above along with shared accessory parking both on-street and to the rear of the buildings and structures; (3) to enhance pedestrian activity; and (4) to create harmonious transitions between nonresidential and the residential areas.
         All final development plans for exterior building alterations or renovations, building additions, or new construction in the B-3 District shall first be submitted to the Design and Review Board for their recommendation or approval. The Board's recommendation or approval shall be based upon the review of the submitted plans and the criteria in Section 1134. In making a recommendation or approval, the Design and Review Board may propose any conditions necessary to insure that the proposed development plan meets the requirements in this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (4)    B-4 General Retail-Office District. The purpose of the B-4 General Retail-Office District is to provide for a variety of retail, service and administrative establishments which are required to serve a large trading area population. This district is also intended to accommodate retail trade establishments in the community which cannot be practically provided for in a neighborhood business or in a shopping center district development. All final development plans for exterior building alterations or renovations, building additions, or new construction for structures and property located in the Design Review District shall first submit to the Design and Review Board for their recommendation or approval. The Board's recommendation or approval shall be based upon the review of the submitted plans and the criteria in Section 1134. In making a recommendation or approval, the Design and Review Board may propose any conditions necessary to insure that the proposed development plan meets the requirements in this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (5)    B-5 General Retail, Office and Motorist Services Business District. The B-5 General Retail, Office and Motorist Services Business District is established to provide for uses in addition to those specified for the neighborhood and general business district and thereby provide service and sales in support of the primary business activities in the community. This district includes activities which because of their nature, such as their tendency to encourage traffic congestion and parking problems, storage problems or certain other inherent dangers create special problems and are, therefore, best distinguished from other commercial activity. Their location is advantageous at specified points on major thoroughfares and at outlying locations in the community. All final development plans for exterior building alterations or renovations, building additions, or new construction for structures and property located in the Design Review District shall first submit to the Design and Review Board for their recommendation or approval. The Board's recommendation or approval shall be based upon the review of the submitted plans and the criteria in Section 1134. In making a recommendation or approval, the Design and Review Board may propose any conditions necessary to insure that the proposed development plan meets the requirements in this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (6)   F-P Flood Plain District. The F-P Flood Plain District is established in recognition that when development of certain lands in the City along rivers, creeks, streams and other natural watercourses which experience periodic flooding are not regulated, the burden of alleviating the flood problems falls upon the various levels of government, which in turn bear the expense in flood control, evacuation and the rehabilitation of people, their property and the community facilities which served the flood victims. Urban developed flood-prone property is subject to rapid deterioration in value and is conducive to the creation of slums. Zone boundaries shown on the Zoning Districts Map and shall be based upon such material described in Chapter 1164, along with specific regulations pertaining to development activity in the regulatory flood plain. . (Ord. 17-03. Passed 1-23-17.)
   (c)    Industrial Districts. The following districts are hereby established primarily to accommodate enterprises engaged in the manufacturing, processing, crating, repairing, renovating, painting, cleaning, or assembling of goods, merchandise, or equipment. Industrial districts may also accommodate permitted and/or conditional uses found in the B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, and B-5 land use districts. Conditionally permitted uses will be subject to conditional land use review requirements found in Chapter 1153.01(b).
      (1)    I-1 Restricted Industrial District. The purpose of the I-1 Restricted Industrial District is to provide an environment exclusively for and conducive to the development and protection of modern administrative facilities and research institutions that are office-like in appearance and service requirements. All final development plans for exterior building alterations or renovations, building additions, or new construction for structures and property located in the Design Review District shall first submit to the Design and Review Board for their recommendation or approval. The Board's recommendation or approval shall be based upon the review of the submitted plans and the criteria in Section 1134. In making a recommendation or approval, the Design and Review Board may propose any conditions necessary to insure that the proposed development plan meets the requirements in this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (2)    I-2 Industrial Manufacturing and Storage District. The I-2 Industrial Manufacturing and Storage District is established to provide for and accommodate industrial uses in the fields of repair, storage, manufacturing, processing, wholesaling and distribution, free from the encroachment of residential, retail and institutional uses. The uses allowed are those which because of their normally objectionable characteristics cannot be in relatively close proximity to residential and commercial districts.
         (Ord. 22-26. Passed 4-18-22.)
   (d)   Park, Governmental and Major Institutional District. The Park, Governmental and Major Institutional District and its regulations are established to accommodate parks, public buildings and other large institutional facilities and their associated uses while ensuring that such facilities remain compatible with surrounding uses, whether those surrounding uses are residential, commercial or industrial.
   (e)    Architectural Review Overlay Districts: Pursuant to Chapter 1134, Architectural Overlay Design Review Districts may be established by subsequent legislative action and illustrated on the Official Zoning Map.
      (Ord. 17-03. Passed 1-23-17.)