All the Site Plan application requirements must be submitted for an application to be complete; however, it is recognized that each development is unique. Therefore, the Planning Director may require more or less information to be submitted in an application than that set forth in the requirements of the aforementioned Section. A Site Plan shall include the following information:
   (a)    All drawings prepared for submission shall be prepared by a professional engineer, architect, city planner or surveyor and shall bear their professional seal, unless it is determined by the Planning Director, that due to the simplicity of the project, a professional seal is not required at this stage of the project development.
    (b)    Four (4) copies of the Site Plan are required. Plans shall be drawn to a scale so that all features required to be shown on the plans are readily discernible, preferably one inch equals fifty feet (1"=50'), but no smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet (1”: 100’). In all cases, the Planning Director shall make the final determination as to the appropriateness of scale. The minimum size of the Plot Plan drawing shall be eighteen by twenty-four (18 x 24) inches, and copy of this same plan shall be provided on a 8 ½ x11 sheet of paper. Existing features on maps should be clearly distinguished from proposed features.
   (c)    The cover page of the Site Plan drawings shall indicate:
      (1)    Name, address and phone number of owner and/or applicant;
      (2)    Name, address, telephone number and State of Ohio registration number of the registered surveyor, city planner, landscape architect or professional engineer who prepared the Site Plan;
      (3)    Name, address and telephone number of the builder;
      (4)    Proposed name of site (must not duplicate others in the County), subdivision name, original lot or parcel number, street address;
      (5)    The proposed use of the site;
      (6)   The legend of the Site Plan drawing shall indicate on each page a north arrow, date of preparation, the Ohio State Plane Coordinate Grid, and scale.
   (d)    Vicinity Map. A vicinity map may be on the same sheet as the Site Plan drawing. The vicinity map shall be drawn at a scale that is appropriate and necessary to show required detail of the following information.
      (1)    Description of the existing lot to be developed, including exact dimensions and total acreage determined by a property boundary line survey, as surveyed by a registered surveyor, showing bearings and distances including the geometric layout of the site showing complete dimensions of existing property lines, easements (and their purpose), and street right-of-way lines in the vicinity or adjacent to the subject property. Indicate street centerline stationing and pavement edges and walks for adjacent road(s). Bearing and distance dimensions shall be shown on property lines to property corners. Property pins or other approved markers shall be set and shown at all property corners and property line stakes shall be set and shown where, due to topography, length of line or obstructions, the location of the property line cannot be determined by sighting from property corner to property corner;
      (2)    The use and ownership of adjacent properties, and the location of structures, drives and other physical features within fifty (50) feet of the site boundary, including the distance to the nearest street intersection;
   (e)    The relationship of the proposed development site to existing community facilities which serve or influence it, including:
      (1)    Existing and proposed main traffic arteries;
      (2)    Shopping facilities;
      (3)    Schools;
      (4)    Parks and playgrounds;
      (5)    Any other significant community features.
   (f)    Natural features, including:
      (1)    Approximate direction and gradient of ground slope including any embankments or retaining walls and the delineation of existing drainage patterns (including intermittent and ephemeral streams, rivers and their related river or stream bank, ponds, drainage ditches, and swamps), floodways and floodplains as delineated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or any other existing watercourses or water bodies that appear on 1:24,000 U.S.G.S. maps; and wetlands;
      (2)    Identification of unique vistas;
      (3)    The location and specifications for all significant existing vegetation (including locations of tree lines and individual trees 18 inches in diameter or more, identified by common or scientific name);
   (g)    Man-made features, including:
      (1)    Location, length, width, square footage, and height of all existing buildings and structures, including decks, porches, storage sheds, fuel tanks, dumpsters, fences and walls, landscape beds, power lines and poles, telecommunication towers, flagpoles, bulkheads, docks, transformers, air conditioners, generators and such similar equipment. Any temporary structures shall be indicated, and shall not be continued as permanent structures (the period of continuance shall be set by the Commission);
      (2)    Zoning of the property, including zoning district lines where applicable, and lot size and front, rear, and side yard setback requirements. If a variance has been obtained, indicate the variance provisions and the date of the variance approval;
      (3)    Areas of known or potential historical, archaeological, or cultural significance, which may include stone walls, barns, earth mounds, and burial grounds.
   (h)    Proposed changes to the site, including:
      (1)    Drainage plans (including storm water). Grading and surface drainage provisions are to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer;
      (2)    Proposed architectural elevation drawings of the site for new buildings or exterior remodeling of existing buildings (including project architectural significance and design features);
      (3)    Proposed location, length, width, square footage, and height of buildings, structures, decks, porches, storage sheds, dumpsters, signs, power lines and poles, telecommunication towers, flagpoles, bulkheads, docks, transformers, air conditioners, generators and such similar equipment proposed to be erected. Any temporary structures shall be indicated, and shall not be continued as permanent structures (the period of continuance shall be set by the Commission);
      (4)    The intended use, the proposed number of rooms, dwelling units, occupants, employees and other uses;
      (5)    Traffic flow and its relation to abutting streets and the locations and dimensions of all proposed service roads, driveways, sidewalks, and parking areas. A preliminary traffic impact study shall be provided when required under the circumstances and conditions set forth in Section 1158.15;
      (6)    The yard area and acreage of open space to be conserved;
      (7)    The total square footage of all existing and proposed impervious area on the site;
      (8)    The location and specifications for all natural features to be conserved, altered, or impacted by the development;
      (9)    Proposed perimeter and internal landscaping beds, or construction of other devices (such as walls, fences, etc.) [To secure the optimum effect of transition from a residential to a nonresidential district, the Planning Commission shall have the power to determine the need for and amount of: plant materials, walls or fences, or any combination of these on any property line of land under consideration. The plans and specifications for the overall site development shall include the proposed arrangement of such plantings and structures.]
      (10)    Proposed outside lighting;
      (11)    Scale drawings of all signs requiring permits pursuant to Chapter 1160 (Signs), together with an indication of the location, dimensions, materials, illuminating characteristics (both internal and/or external) and design for existing and/or proposed signs on the property;
      (12)    The location and dimensions of proposed trash receptacles and/ or any other solid waste disposal facilities, as well as, size, and specification of any screening of such trash or solid waste receptacles;
      (13)    Evidence that the responsible health authority has approved the proposed sanitary sewage disposal facilities for the use for which the zoning certificate has been requested; 31
      (14)    Erosion and sediment control measures for the parcel and preliminary calculations to document the sizing of storm water management facilities must be submitted in a Stormwater Management Plan;
      (15)    The location and dimensions of all recreational areas with each area designated as to type of use including, but not limited to a detailed description of play apparatus or other recreational facilities to be provided in mini-parks;
      (16)    Project completion schedule, including any development phases;
      (17)    Demonstration that project meets minimum standards that ensure that public facilities and services needed to support development are available concurrently with the impacts of such development;
      (18)    Any other pertinent data as may be necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of this Zoning Ordinance.