TABLE 1 - Vacation of Streets and Alleys
Ord. No.    Date       Description
18       8-21-22    Alley between lots 105 and 106 from East Gorgas St. on the south to a 20 foot alley on the north.
19       8-21-22    Alley between outlot 102 and lot 33 from east side of Chapel St. to west side of a 20 foot alley.
27       2-25-23    Part of South Nickelplate St.
82       10-20-24    Part of West Main St. from southeast corner of lot 80 to east line of right of way of Stark Electric R. R. Co.
94       5-1-26       Alleys adjoining lots 132 and 134 from Washington Ave. north to first alley.
96       5-17-26    Alley between outlot 117 on the northwest and lots 201 to 213, inclusive, on the southeast from intersection of the northwest line of alley with west line of North Chapel St., southwest a distance of 702.95 feet; and alleys between lots 201 and 202, between lots 203 and 204, between lots 205 and 206, between lots 207 and 208, between lots 209 and 210 and between lots 211 and 212.
129       1927       Bluff St. in L. Warstler's Addition.
130       1927       Alley situated between lot 75 and outlot 105 abutting to the west line of alley running north and south.
131       1927       Alley 9.16 feet wide in west end of Balizet Addition between west line of lots 538, 539, 540 and 541 and east line of outlot 147, extending from north line of 4th St. north 223.3 feet to south line of Cottage Ave.
141       8-6-28       Alley between lots 380 and 381 from north line of Hissner Court to south line of alley along north side of the lot.
142       8-6-28       Part of alley on west end of south alley in D. Chappius Addition.
342       1-16-39    North St. east of Chapel St.
364       12-18-39    Alley between lots 169 and 170 from southeast line of Depot St. to northwest line of first alley parallel to and southeast of Depot St.
369       5-20-40    Part of West Main St. (Amended by Ord. 390).
375       11-18-40    Part of Depot St. near lot 82.
385       2-3-41       Alley between lots 69 and 70.
465       3-11-46    Bauman Court from St. Louis Court to Washington Ave.
623       12-5-49    Part of Center Court.
738       11-5-51    Alley east of and parallel to N. Depot St.; alley between lots 167 and 168; alley between lots 171 and 172; and alley between lots 173 and 174.
844       11-16-53    Part of Evrard Court between Cottage Ave. and first alley north.
948       10-3-55    Part of Beucler Court from 4th St. south to Penn. R. R. right of way.
1017       2-4-57        Fifty foot street between lots 164, 988, part of outlot 103 and lot 163 from Depot St. to N. Chapel St. and twenty foot alley immediately south of lot 163 from N. Chapel St. west to west line of lot 163 extended south by 20 feet.
1087       11-18-57    Alley between lots 197 and 198 from north end of North St., 60 feet northwest to north line of these lots, and from east line of outlot 116 northeast to an extension of east line of lot 199.
1089       12-2-57    Part of Old Main St. between lots 1051 and 1373.
1131       6-2-58        Forth foot street between outlot 174, 1052 and 177, part of outlot 128 from Marion Ave. west to parts of outlots 132 and 128.
1153       11-3-58    Part of East Gorgas St. and 20 foot alley between lots 231 and 409.
1178       1-5-59       Brunner Court and unnamed street along north line of lots 132, 133, 134, 135, 1190 and 545 from northeast corner of lot 132 to north west corner of lot 545.
1189       2-16-59    Lincoln Court between E. Main St. and St. Louis Court.
1236       8-17-59    Part of Center Court from Beucler Court to South Chapel St.
1357       2-6-61       Part of Michigan Avenue.
1483       9-4-62       Alley extending west from South Mill St., 180 feet.
1504       12-17-62    Part of North St. west from east line of lot 199 and south to lot 190 and between lots 191 to 199, lot 1656 and part of lot 190.
1588       8-19-63    Part of unnamed alley extending from southwest corner of lot 661 north to northwest corner of lot 662.
1592       10-7-63    Waterworks Place from Pennsylvania Ave. east to outlot 18.
1641       5-18-64    Fourteen foot alley between lots 401 and 341 from Washington Ave. south to St. Louis Ct.
1678       11-16-64    Portion of Lincoln Ct. from South St., north to first alley north of South St. and    between lots 361 and 362.
1699       3-1-65       Alley west of lot 320 from West Main St. to West Gorgas St.
1776       5-2-66       Part of Auman Court from north line of lot 1871 to north line of lot 266 extended west.
1786       6-20-66    Part of East Gorgas St.
1833       2-20-67    Twenty foot alley between lots 77 and 78 between West Gorgas St. and Center Court.
1840       3-6-67       Fifteen foot alley on west side of outlot 82, south of South St.
1852       4-3-67       Part of 20 foot alley east of Orchard Ave., north of lots 483 and 484.
1863       6-5-67       Part of 20 foot alley east of Walnut St., between lots 601 and 602.
2025       3-17-69    Part of Center Court between east line of outlot 107 and west line of lots 1362 and 1361, and also a 20 foot alley north of West Gorgas St. between lots 79 and outlot 107 to Center Court.
2027       3-17-69    Fifty foot street between lots 160 and 161.
2099       1-19-70    Twelve foot alley between lots 558 and 559.
72-49       9-18-72    Twenty foot alley between lots 445 and 464.
73-8       2-5-73       Fifteen foot alley between lots 403 and 404.
73-9       2-5-73       Twenty foot alley between lots 299, 300 and 693.
73-10   2-5-73   Alley between lots 346, 550 and outlot 119.
73-11   2-5-73   Alley between lots 548, 549 and outlot 119.
73-12   2-5-73   Eighteen foot alley between lots 315 and 316.
73-13   2-5-73   Twenty foot alley between lots 355 and 356.
73-109      10-1-73   Twenty foot alley between lots 347 and 368.
73-110      10-1-73   Part of St. Louis Court from west line of lot 764 east to west line of Ohio Blvd.
74-15      2-4-74      Eighteen foot alley between lots 313 and 314 from Beucler Court to South Chapel.
74-35      4-1-74      Twenty foot alley between lots 2542, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361 and 2043.
74-49      5-6-74      Grapeland Ave. from south line of Knob St. south of north line of outlot 241; and part of Noel St. from west side of Reno Dr. West to west line of lots 2148 and 2151.
74-60      6-3-74      Part of Brown Ave. between Sherban Court and Stark Ave.
75-129      9-15-75   Alley bounded by lot 2346 on east, north and west sides
75-148      10-20-75   Fifteen foot alley between lots 318 and 319, from West Main south 182 ft. to West Gorgas.
77-20      3-7-77      Alley between Lots No. 595 and 594 from Mercier St. southerly to an alley at the rear of such lots.
79-47      6-4-79      Part of Hillcliff Ave. from curve on the west line of Lot 2745 to North Line of 2745.
80-14   3-3-80   Part of West Gorgas St. abutting lots 407 and 408.
85-14      4-1-85      Part of Center Court, abutting Lots 22 to 24 and 40 to 42; and part of Beucler Court between W. Main St. and W. Gorgas St. abutting Lots 21, 22, 16 to 18, 42 and 1844.
87-30      7-6-87      Part of Constitution Ave.
87-53      11-16-87   Part of unnamed alley east of McKinley St., abutting Lots 547 and 546.
89-20      6-22-89   Portion of Lamielle Ct. from northerly line of Lots 399 and 400 to the south of Lots 399 and 400.
89-29      9-18-89   Portion of Cottage Ave. (.105 acres) from Stark Ave. to Outlot 147, from northerly line of Lot 541 to the southerly line of lot 542.
92-12      4-6-92      Portion of Brown Ave. (.085 acres) between Beucler Ct. and S. Chapel St.
92-59      11-23-92   Authorizing the vacation of a portion of Center Ct. between Depot St. and EvrardCt.; and the vacation of Evrard Ct. between W. Gorgas and W. Main St.
93-22      5-17-93   Authorizes the vacation of unnamed and unimproved alley between N. Walnut and Orchard Ave. (.114 acres).
96-31      6-17-96   Authorizes vacating of unnamed alleys west of N. Chapel between Woodard and Frana-Clara.
97-31      9-15-97   Authorizes vacating 5 alleys near Fourth St. and S. Chapel.
02-08   3-18-02   Authorizes vacating of Stub St. (formerly Reno Drive).
02-08   5-20-02   Former Reno Drive (aka Stub Street) adjacent to Out Lot 232.
05-10   4-18-05   Authorizes vacating of 70 ft. of St. Louis Court west of N. Depot St. by H. Taff, 197 N. Depot St.
10-29   6-21-10   Authorizing the vacation of approximately 344 feet of Noel Street consisting of a 50 foot right-of-way from the east line of Pilot Knob Ave. NE to the west line of Louisville City Lot 2602.
11-31   11-14-11   The section of Center Court located adjacent to lots 107, 108, 3949 and outlot 373.
12-45      12-3-12   The section of Center Court located between 118 and 204 S Nickelplate (Outlot 131).
13-38      9-16-13   Center Court west of Church Street.
17-16      6-19-17   S. Marion Ave., located North of E Broad St. and South of Monter Ave.