(a)   Establishment: There is established for purposes of calculating the storm water user fees the equivalent residential unit (ERU).
   (b)   Definition: The ERU is the average square footage of impervious area of a developed single-family residentially zoned parcel within the City.
   (c)   Setting the ERU: The ERU shall be set by the City Council from time to time by ordinance or resolution.
   (d)   Source of ERU: The City Council shall have the discretion to determine the source of the data from which the ERU is established, taking into consideration the general acceptance and use of such source on the part of other storm water systems, and the reliability and general accuracy of the source. Impervious surface area of other developed property shall be determined through property tax assessor’s rolls or site examination, mapping information, aerial photographs, and other reliable information.
(Ord. 05-48. Passed 11-21-05.)