1316.06 STANDARDS.
   (a)   Any person, firm or corporation demolishing any building or part thereof shall adhere to the following standards.
      (1)   All utilities shall be disconnected and equipment removed by the utility companies.
      (2)   All concrete basement floors shall be broken up for proper drainage.
      (3)   All basement walls shall be reduced to two feet below existing ground level.
      (4)   All sanitary sewers shall be plugged at the outlet with concrete under supervision of City personnel.
      (5)   All water lines shall be removed and separated at the property owner's side of the curb box under supervision of City personnel.
      (6)   A basement cavity may be filled with noncombustible material to a level two feet below existing ground level, as noted in subsection (a)(3) hereof. Such noncombustible material shall not exceed an individual dimension larger than a standard cement block.
      (7)   From two feet below existing ground level to four inches above existing ground level, the basement cavity shall be filled with clean fill.
      (8)   All rubbish, debris, lumber, glass or other materials from a razed or demolished building shall be removed from the site upon demolition. Fugitive dust shall be controlled by watering as necessary to prevent off-site migration.
      (9)   Whenever a building is being torn down, razed or demolished within fifteen feet of a public street or sidewalk, barricades of a type specified by the Building Department shall be erected and lights provided on such barricades at night.
      (10)   The application for a demolition permit shall include a brief description of the work to be done and shall provide such additional information as required by the Building Department.
   (b)   The City's Building Inspector shall be notified twenty-four hours before demolition begins and shall be onsite when backfilling is done.
(Ord. 91-06. Passed 3-18-91.)