(a)    No person shall intentionally deface, obliterate, tear down or destroy in whole or in part any proclamation, publication, advertisement or notification, set up or posted in any public place by legal authority, or any guide board, street sign or any traffic sign in any public street or highway.
(Ord. 1005. Passed 9-5-56; Ord. 1541. Passed 3-4-63.)
   (b)    No person shall erect, stick or post any notice, bill, poster, sign or advertising of any kind upon any private or public building or premises, or upon any fence, wall, telephone or electric light pole, or upon any other structure, without consent of the owner or person having charge and control of the premises.
(Ord. 1541. Passed 3-4-63.)
   (c)    Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.