(a)   The Fiscal Officer is herein authorized to immediately pay the following monthly obligations upon her receipt of the same and prior to additional approval of Council:
      (1)   Village bills for all Utility services provided to the Village;
      (2)   Village bills for insurance premiums;
      (3)   Payroll expenses; including but not limited to, PERS and Medicare;
      (4)   Any other monthly or other account that Council may from time to time authorize prompt payment on by Motion.
   (b)   The Fiscal Officer shall still submit all bills paid in accordance with the terms of the section to Council for ratification of payment of the same. Should Council have questions relating to any bill handled under the format of this section, such questions shall be directed to the creditor for purposes of an accounting or a refund.
(Ord. 51-2000. Passed 7-17-00.)