The permitted and conditional uses for each district are provided in the following subsections. Uses given in the following zoning districts shall be interpreted according to the definitions (when given) in this Zoning Code. Uses which cannot be clearly and easily interpreted as permitted by the definition given shall be determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Uses not specifically listed or not interpreted to be included in the zoning districts shall not be permitted except by amendment or exception to this Zoning Code. Conditional uses shall only be permitted after a public hearing and approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals as required by this Zoning Code.
   (a)    R-1 Rural Residential District.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Single-family dwellings
         Non-commercial recreation facilities
         Home occupations
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Semi-public uses
         Public uses   
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
         Two-family dwellings
         Nurseries (child care)
         Nursing homes
         Commercial recreation facilities
         Mineral extraction, storage, and processing, including oil and gas wells
         (See Section 1262.12)
         Farm vacation enterprises
         Vacation or seasonal homes
         Camps (See Section 1262.09)
         Kennels or animal hospitals
         Television or radio stations, transmitters or towers
         Tourist homes
         Public service facilities
   (b)    R-2 and R-2a Suburban Residential Districts.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Single-family dwellings
         Home occupations
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Public uses
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
         Non-commercial recreation facilities
         Semi-public uses
         Public service facilities
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (c)   R-2b Zero Lot Line Suburban Residential Districts.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Single-family dwellings
         Home occupations
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Public uses
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (d)    R-3 Urban Residential District.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Single-family dwellings
         Home occupations
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Public uses
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
         Two-family dwellings
         Multiple-family dwellings having not more than four dwellings
         Non-commercial recreation facilities
         Semi-public uses
         Public service facilities
         Professional offices
         Professional mixed use
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (e)    R-3a Zero Lot Line Urban Residential District.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Single-family dwellings
         Home occupations
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Public uses
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (f)    R-4 Apartment Residential District.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Multi-family dwellings
         Home occupations
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Public uses
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring board approval.
         Single-family dwellings
         Two-family dwellings
         Non-commercial recreation facilities
         Semi-public uses
         Public service facilities
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (g)    R-C Residential-Commercial District.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Single-family dwellings
         Two-family dwellings
         Nurseries (child care)
         Nursing homes
         Tourist homes
         Non-commercial recreation facilities
         Home occupations
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Semi-public uses
         Public uses
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
         Multi-family dwellings
         Mixed-use dwellings
         Commercial uses
         Commercial recreation facilities
         Public service facilities
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (h)    C-1 Restricted Commercial District.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Grocery stores and other food stores
         Eating and drinking places, except drive-ins
         Drug stores
         Carry outs and liquor stores
         Cigar store, newsstands, and florists
         Financing, insurance, and real estate establishments
         Garment pressing and laundry and dry cleaning agents
         Self-service laundries
         Barber and beauty shops
         Shoe, watch and other small item repair shops
         Doctor, dentist and other health practitioners' offices or clinics
         Offices of professionals and non-professional
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Semi-public uses
         Public uses
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
         Dwellings, including mixed use dwellings, as determined appropriate and compatible by the Board
         All other commercial uses determined appropriate and compatible by the Board
         Public service facilities
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (i)    C-2 and C-2a General Commercial Districts.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
All commercial uses, including retail trade, finance, insurance, real estate, and service establishments, except those listed as conditional uses
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Public uses
         Semi-public uses
         Public service facility
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
Dwellings, including mixed use dwellings, as determined appropriate and compatible by the Board
         Used merchandise stores with outdoor display
Construction establishments such as building, plumbing, heating or other special trade contractors
         Manufacturing establishments
         Trucking terminals and facilities
         Wholesale and warehousing facilities
         Commercial laundries and dry cleaning plants
         Other uses as determined appropriate and compatible by the Board
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (j)   I Industrial District.
      (1)   Permitted uses.
         Manufacturing meeting nuisance requirements
         Research and testing facilities
         Grain elevators and feed mills
         Manufacture, sale, and storage of building materials
         Wholesale and warehousing facilities
         Transport and trucking terminals
         Equipment storage and sales
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Public service facilities
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
Mineral extraction, storage and processing including oil and gas wells (See Section 1262.12)
         Junk storage and sales
Dwellings, including mixed use dwellings, as determined appropriate and compatible by the Board
         Other uses as determined appropriate and compatible by the Board
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (k)    L-1 Light Industrial District.
      (1)    Permitted uses.
         Accessory uses and structures (accessory to uses and structures permitted in this District.)
Assembly of electrical appliances, instruments, and devices, including electroplating and the manufacture of small parts such as condensers, transformers and crystal holders.
Automobile painting, upholstering, rebuilding, reconditioning body and fender work, truck repairing, or overhauling.
Computer and electronic equipment manufacture and assembly.
         Light manufacturing uses conducted within a building and engaged producing the following types of products:
         Apparel and other products made from fabrics
         Electrical equipment and components
         Food products, such as baked goods, confectionery products, and beverages
         Furniture and wood product
         Leather and leather products
         Measuring, analyzing and control instruments
         Printing and publishing materials
         Plastics & plastic products
         Offices and Laboratories
         Recreational Facilities (commercial & non-commercial)
      (2)   Conditional Uses requiring Board Approval.
         Laundry, cleaning and dyeing works, and carpet and rug cleaning.
         The manufacture of pottery or ceramic products.
         Freighting, or trucking yard or trucking terminal.
Dwellings, including mixed use dwellings, as determined appropriate and compatible by the Board.
         Other uses as determined appropriate and compatible by the Board.
         Vacation or seasonal homes
   (l)    PD Planned Development District.
      (1)    Permitted uses with an approved development plan.
         Vacation home developments
         Large recreational complexes having several types of recreational uses and including any of the above uses
         Industrial parks
         Housing projects over five acres or twenty-five dwelling units
         Shopping centers
         Combinations of the above uses
Facilities needed in support of any of the above such as shopping, schools, churches, clubs, parks, water and/or sewage treatment facilities, etc., when submitted as a part of the overall development plan
         Home occupations
         Essential services
         Accessory uses
         Public uses
         Public service facilities
      (2)    Conditional uses requiring Board approval.
Any additional uses after construction of the planned development project that are not in accord with the approved development plan.
   (m)    MH Mobile Home Parks.
      The purpose of this district is to provide for the suitable location for mobile/manufactured home parks.
   (n)    FP Flood Plain District.
      Permitted and Conditional Uses
      (See Flood Plain District Regulations, Chapter 1252.)
   (o)    CV Conservation District.
      Permitted and Conditional Uses
      (See Conservation District Regulations, Chapter 1254.)
   (p)    WP Wellhead Protection District.
      Permitted and Conditional Uses
      (See Wellhead Protection District Regulations, Chapter 1255.)
   (q)    ARD Architectural Review District.
      Permitted and Conditional Uses
      (See Architectural Review District Regulations, Chapter 1257)
      (Ord. 8-2022. Passed 4-18-22.)