(a)    When Required. An erosion and sedimentation control plan may be required as a supplement to the street and drainage improvement plans. An erosion and sedimentation control plan shall be required for any of the following:
      (1)    When a proposed development area consists of five (5) or more acres and earth-disturbing activities are proposed for the whole area or any part thereof, the responsible person shall develop and submit for approval a sediment control plan prior to any earth-disturbing activity. The plan must contain sediment pollution control practices so that compliance with other provisions of these Regulations will be achieved during and after development.
      (2)    A copy of the permit from the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) must be provided to the Village for compliance with EPA regulations and requirements. This permit can be obtained by submitting a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The local Soil and Water Conservation District can be of service for approval of such plans.
      (3)    When a proposed development area involves less than five (5) acres, it is not necessary to submit a sediment control plan; however, the responsible person must comply with the other provisions of these Regulations. All earth-disturbing activities may be subject to surveillance and site investigation by the local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to determine compliance with these Regulations.
      (4)    A letter is required to be filed with the Village stating that the development will keep sediment on site and appropriate seeding measures will be taken to prohibit future erosion of soil.
   (b)    Coordination with other Drainage Plans. Procedures for developing erosion and sedimentation control plans shall be coordinated with other provisions of these Regulations.
   (c)    Submission to local SWCD. Three (3) copies of the erosion and sedimentation control plan shall be submitted to the local SWCD. The local Soil and Water Conservation District shall review and comment on the plans, and may provide technical assistance to the developer, and Planning Commission.
   (d)    Erosion Control Plan Requirements. The erosion and sedimentation control plan shall be consistent with the street and drainage improvement plans, and the criteria of the National Resources Conservation Services Handbook, "Water Management and Sediment Control for Urbanizing Areas," and shall include:
      (1)    The preliminary plan for the site on which the work is to be performed.
      (2)    Location of any buildings, structures, utilities, sewers, water and storm drains on the site where the work is to be performed.
      (3)    Elevations, and/or contours, dimensions, locations, and extent of all work proposed, and the existing elevation and/or contours of the land.
      (4)    An estimation of the quantity of excavation and fill.
      (5)    Detailed plans of all drainage provisions, retaining walls, cribbing, vegetative practices, erosion and sediment control measures, location of fences around sediment basins, steep excavations, or ponding areas, and other protective devices to be constructed in connection with, or as a part of the proposed work, together with map showing the drainage areas of land tributary to the site, and estimated cubic foot per second runoff of the area served by any drain, computed in accordance with current County storm drainage criteria.
      (6)    A timing schedule and sequence indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the development sequence: stripping and/or clearing, rough grading and construction, final grading and vegetative establishment, seeding mixture and rates for both temporary and permanent seeding, lime and fertilizer application rates and kind and quantity of mulching, maintenance, and the time of exposure of each area prior to the completion of effective erosion and sediment control measures.
      (7)    The estimated cost of the grading and/or filling and the estimated cost of the required erosion controls.
         (Ord. 75-96. Passed 11-18-96)