Due consideration shall be given to the allocation of areas suitably located and of adequate size for playgrounds and parks for local or neighborhood use as well as public service areas.
   (a)    Public Open Space. Where a school, neighborhood park or recreation area, or public access to water frontage, shown in a plan made and adopted by the Planning Commission, is located in whole or in part in the applicant's subdivision, or is desirable, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission may require the reservation of such open space within the subdivision for park, school or recreation purposes for up to two years to achieve acquisition by the appropriate agency.
   (b)    Easements for Utilities. The Planning Commission may require easements, not exceeding twelve feet in width, for poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, water and heat mains or other utility lines, along all rear lot lines and/or along all side lot lines if necessary. Easements of the same or greater width may be required along the lines of or across lots, where necessary for the extension of existing or planned utilities.
   (c)    Setback Lines. Setback lines shall be located or increased as necessary so as to allow proper area for private sewage disposal installation where no central sewage system is available, and the private sewage disposal system would be located between the front of the house and the road right of way.
   (d)    Easements Along Streams. Whenever any stream or important surface drainage course is located in the area being subdivided, the subdivider shall provide an adequate easement as determined by the Planning Commission and/or its authorized representative along each side of the stream for the purpose of widening, deepening, relocating or protecting the stream for drainage or public use.
   (e)    Community Assets. In all subdivisions due regard shall be shown for all natural features such as large trees, watercourses, historical spots and similar community assets which, if preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the property and community.
   (f)    Utility Easements. Electric, telephone and cable TV lines shall be buried if located at the front of the lots. Easements along side or rear lot lines will normally be centered on the lot line and a minimum of sixteen feet wide. When located adjacent to property not owned by the subdivider, the subdivider will either secure an easement of appropriate width from the abutting property owner or take the entire easement width from the property being subdivided.
   (g)    Drainage Wav Easements. Where a subdivision is traversed by a drainage way, a public easement conforming substantially with the lines of the drainage way shall be provided. The easement shall be twenty feet (20') wide or of such further width as necessary to provide at least a ten foot (10') clear area along both sides of the pipe trench or tip of bank for future maintenance access and shall generally follow side and rear lot lines.
   (h)    Sanitary Sewer Easements. A minimum width of twenty feet (20') shall be provided. Where lines are exceptionally deep, additional width shall be provided, i.e., the minimum easement width shall be increased by two feet for every one foot increase in flow line depth below twelve feet.
      (Ord. 75-96. Passed 11-18-96)