1226.03 LOTS.
   (a)    Arrangement. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines. Each lot must front upon a public street or road right of way which is not less than fifty feet in width.
   (b)    Public Sewer Required on Lots Where Accessible. Where a public sanitary sewer is reasonably accessible, the subdivider shall connect with such sewer and provide a connection to each lot. Where a public sewer is not accessible, an alternative method of sewage disposal may be used, when meeting all applicable public health regulations.
   (c)    Minimum Size.
      (1)    Residential lots not served by a public sewerage system shall not be less than required for private sewage disposal as determined by the County Board of Health or the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and approved by the Planning Commission.
      (2)    The minimum size of residential lots to be served by a private source of water supply shall be determined by the County Board of Health or the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and approved by the Planning Commission.
      (3)    Size of properties reserved or laid out for commercial or industrial properties shall be adequate to provide for the off-street service and parking facilities required by the type or use and development contemplated. Platting of individual lots should be avoided in favor of an overall design of the land to be used for such purpose.
      (4)    The size and widths of lots shall in no case be less than the minimum requirements of any zoning ordinance in effect.
      (5)    No lot may have a depth of more than three times the average width of the lot except as approved by the Planning Commission, or less than 100 feet in depth.
      (6)    As a minimum guideline all lots on the plat of any subdivision with central water and sewer systems should have a minimum area of 8,000 square feet.
      (7)    Subdivisions that will not be served within a guaranteed reasonable amount of time by a sanitary sewer system should have a minimum lot area as determined by the County Board of Health or Environmental Protection Agency and the Planning Commission based on data concerning the soil characteristics, topography, number or lots and other conditions of the proposed subdivision.
         (Ord. 1433. Passed 2-2-76.)
   (d)    Minimum Lot Width. No lot shall have less lot width at the building line than is required by any zoning ordinance applying to the area in which it is located. No lot shall abut on a street for a distance less than forty feet. If no greater zoning restriction is in effect, the following minimum lot width requirements shall be met: commercial, 100 feet; industrial, 200 feet.
(Ord. 18-83. Passed 3-21-83.)
   (e)    Building Setback Lines. The minimum depth of building setback lines from the street right of way shall not be less than thirty feet and, in the case of corner lots, thirty feet from the side street, unless a lower standard is allowed by an existing zoning ordinance.
   Building setback lines from the street right of way on all U.S. and State highways and/or major streets shall not be less than one-half the existing or proposed right-of-way width, whichever is greater.
   (f)    Corner Lots. Corner lots shall be sufficiently wider and larger to permit the additional side yard requirements of any zoning ordinance or building setback lines outlined in the previous subsection. (Ord. 75-96. Passed 11-18-96)