Plans for the proposed improvement as required under Section 1024.03(a) shall contain the following:
   (a)    The name of the owner, developer or person responsible for the improvement.
   (b)    The name of the engineer responsible for preparing the plans.
   (c)    Identification of the proposed improvement.
   (d)    A scale of one inch to not more than 100 feet for plans, and one inch to not more than ten feet for profiles.
   (e)    The date.
   (f)    A north arrow.
   (g)    A general plan showing the location of the proposed sewer with regard to existing features and the location of wye branches.
   (h)    A profile showing grades, size and length of the sewerage line, the location of manholes and the slope of ground.
   (i)    A proper form for the approval of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs and the Engineer, with space for a signature and the date of approval.
      (Ord. 870. Passed 2-3-64.)