(A)   PURPOSE AND INTENT. It is the purpose of this Section to:
      (1)   encourage commerce;
      (2)   enhance the appearance of Fourth Street by encouraging parking on sides and rear of buildings;
      (3)   conserve resources by moderating parking requirements;
      (4)   promote shared parking;
      (5)   promote “Park once, shop several places;” and
      (6)   encourage pedestrian, bicycle, and transit as means of transportation within the business district.
   (B)   OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. In all zones there shall be provided at the time any building or structure is occupied, being erected, or structurally altered, off-street parking spaces as follows:
      (1)   Amusement facility (other than drive-in theater, uses with fixed seating and those listed elsewhere in this Section), including swimming pool, amusement park, miniature golf course, golf driving range, dance hall, skating rink, or similar recreation establishment: One (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of building.
      (2)   Bowling alley: Two (2) spaces for each alley.
      (3)   Religious institution, club or lodge: One (1) parking space for each eight (8) members or thirty (30) inches of pew seating in the main area of the structure.
      (4)   Community center, library, museum, or art gallery: Ten (10) parking spaces plus one (1) additional space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area in excess of two thousand (2,000) square feet, and the required handicap access space(s).
      (5)   Dwelling: One (1) parking space for each bedroom or fraction thereof provided in the dwelling, but not less than two (2) spaces per dwelling unit.
      (6)   Light manufacturing or industrial establishment: One and one-half (1.5) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area.
      (7)   Medical or dental office, clinic, including veterinary clinic: Two (2) parking spaces for each examination or treatment room plus one (1) space for each doctor, and the required handicap access space(s).
      (8)   Mortuary: One (1) parking space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area plus one parking space for each three (3) seats in the funeral chapel area.
      (9)   Motel, hotel, bed and breakfast establishment, guest ranch: One (1) parking space for each sleeping room or rental unit; one (1) parking space for each employee per shift; one (1) parking space for each service vehicle associated with the facility; and, two (2) parking spaces for the home owner and/or property manager.
      (10)   Private club, lodge, or union headquarters: One (1) parking space for each five (5) members.
      (11)   Restaurant, bar, nightclub, café: One (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor area.
      (12)   Retail store, office (other than medical or dental), or service establishment not otherwise specified herein: One (1) parking space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area for the first floor and four hundred (400) square feet for the second and third floor.
      (13)   Rooming or boarding house: One (1) parking space for each sleeping room.
      (14)   School: One (1) parking space for each four (4) seats in the main auditorium or three (3) spaces for each classroom, whichever is greater.
      (15)   Theater, auditorium, sports arena, stadium, gymnasium, rodeo arena, polo grounds: One (1) parking space for each four (4) seats or seating spaces.
      (16)   Mobile home park: One and one-half (1.5) parking spaces for each trailer or dwelling unit.
   (C)   ALTERNATE PARKING PLAN. An Alternate Parking Plan may be submitted for approval, demonstrating how parking will be accommodated through a combination of onsite, off-site (whether public or private), shared, and/or on-street parking. Alternate Parking Plans may be based on a lesser number of spaces than that required under § 9.2.18(B) Off-Street Parking Regulations, provided it is demonstrated that a nuisance will not be created thereby.
   (D)   GENERAL RULES FOR DETERMINING PARKING REQUIREMENTS. To compute the number of required off-street parking spaces, the following shall govern:
      (1)   Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be construed to be the next highest number when fifty percent (50%) or above.
      (2)   The parking space requirements for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as that required for a similar use as determined by the Director.
      (3)   In the case of mixed uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the mixed uses required separately.
      (4)   Each thirty (30) inches of pew or bench space is considered one (1) seat.
      (1)   All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same site with the building or use served unless an Alternate Parking Plan is approved by the Village as to form and content and approved by the Commission/Board.
      (2)   All open parking areas in the Commercial Zone provided in compliance with this Section shall be surfaced with a durable surface consisting of concrete or bituminous material or of compacted gravel, soil, cement, or crushed stone as approved by the Planning Director.
      (3)   Parking spaces shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet in width by twenty (20) feet in length except for ADA designated spaces. Parking spaces may be reduced to eighteen (18) feet in length if there are parking bumpers installed that allow for a two (2) foot vehicle overhang. In no instance shall a vehicle overhang a parking bumper whereby pedestrian traffic will be impeded.
      (4)   Parking spaces shall be accessed by a twenty-four (24) foot wide aisle.
      (5)   Parallel parking spaces in front of commercial establishments on Fourth Street in the C-1 Zones shall not exceed one vehicle per twenty (20) lineal feet of Fourth Street frontage.
   (F)   OFF-STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING SPACES. Off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be required as determined by the Director and shall be so located that loading and unloading activity will not block or restrict a public way.
   (G)   PARKING FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED MOTORISTS. For any nonresidential structure the required minimum number of parking spaces for persons with significant mobility limitations is as is required in the Uniform Traffic Ordinance (UTO) 12-9-10 or the latest revisions thereof, or §208 Parking Spaces of the ADA Accessibility Standards or the latest revisions thereof, whichever is more restrictive. Such space dimensions shall follow §502 Parking Spaces of the ADA Accessibility Standards or the latest revisions thereof. Such spaces shall also be:
      (1)   designated for use by the physically challenged by the international symbol of accessibility as required by §216.5 Parking, §502.6 Identification, and §703.7.2.1 International Symbol of Accessibility of the ADA Accessibility Standards or the latest revisions thereof;
      (2)   near or centrally located between related building entrances;
      (3)   so located that occupants of vehicles in these spaces can go to the related building:
         (a)   without going behind parked vehicles;
         (b)   along a path at least forty-two (42) inches wide or the ADA minimum, whichever is more restrictive; and
         (c)   unobstructed by bumpers, curbs, or other obstacles to wheelchairs.
      (4)   appropriately marked to indicate the location of the spaces either through parking bumpers, paint, or signs.
   (H)   SHARED PARKING. In the commercial zones (C-1, VC or Special Use Permits) shared parking may be permitted by the Planning Director, subject to the following:
      (1)   All shared parking facilities shall be located within a three hundred (300) foot radius measured from the property line.
      (2)   The applicant shall show there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the buildings or uses for which the shared parking is proposed.
      (3)   Parties involved in the shared use of a parking facility or facilities shall show evidence of an agreement for such shared use and maintenance thereof by a proper legal instrument approved by the Village Attorney as to form and content.
      (4)   Any shared parking facility shall be provided with adequate signs on the premises indicating the availability of that facility for patrons of participating uses.
      (5)   Subsequent modifications to the structure or substantive change in tenant occupancy shall require review by the Planning Director for conformance to this Section and issuance of a Certificate of Compliance.
      (6)   The application shall include a site plan to show where additional parking will be provided in the event future parking is needed to meet future parking demand.
      (7)   Shared parking requests shall be approved by the Planning Director for two (2) or more different land uses located adjacent or in close proximity to one another.
The application shall be reviewed for safety and security of patrons and employees of the participating uses.