A. No solid waste collection vehicle yard shall be operated without first obtaining a permit from the Department. Waste collection vehicles yards are defined as those facilities that store vehicles or devices which collect solid waste at the point of origin and include front, side or rear loading vehicles, and roll off container transportation vehicles. Vehicles that are not included in the definition of waste collection vehicles are: transfer trucks, demolition trucks, dump trucks, and vehicles which haul only recyclable materials from collection points to recycling facilities.
B. No solid waste vehicle storage yard shall be operated without first obtaining a permit from the Department. An application shall be filed with the Department giving information as required by the Department and, if approved by the Department, an annual permit may be issued upon payment in advance of an annual inspection fee for each permitted site. Permits shall not extend to a later date than the first day of July next succeeding the date of issuance. Fees for a new permit issued after the first day of July will be prorated on a monthly basis.
C. All waste collection vehicle yards must be maintained in a manner to minimize the health and safety hazards to collection personnel and the public. Failure to so maintain waste collection vehicle yards shall constitute a violation of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
1. Transfer / Processing Operations - Waste collection vehicle yards are prohibited from the transfer and/or processing of solid waste, construction and demolition debris, inert debris or greenwaste without first obtaining the necessary approvals of the LEA, the local land use authority, or other approving agencies.
2. Entrance Signs - All waste collection vehicle yards shall have an easily visible sign at the main entrance indicating the name of the operator and operator’s telephone number.
3. Site Security - The facility shall be designed to discourage unauthorized access by persons and vehicles through the use of either a perimeter barrier or topographic constraints.
4. Vehicle Parking - A refuse collection service operator must designate an off-street location where all refuse collection vehicles will be parked when not in service, except in an emergency.
5. Visual Screening - The facility shall have appropriate treatment of areas open to public view to create and maintain an aesthetically acceptable appearance as approved by the local land use authority, or if none exists, in consultation with the LEA. Compliance with specific provisions regarding visual screening in a local land use approval, such as conditional use permits, or CEQA mitigation measures shall be considered compliance with this standard.
6. General Maintenance - All aspects of the operation shall be maintained in a state of good repair. The operator shall implement a preventative maintenance program to monitor and promptly repair or correct deteriorated or defective conditions. The operator shall provide adequate housekeeping for the maintenance of facility equipment and shall minimize accumulations of fuel drums, inoperable equipment, parts, tires, scrap, and similar items.
7. Cleanup - Waste collection yards and their equipment, boxes, bins, and other types of containers shall be cleaned each operating day of all loose materials and litter, in order to prevent the propagation or attraction of flies, rodents, or other vectors. The entrance and exit shall be cleaned at a frequency which prevents the tracking or off-site migration of waste materials.
8. Sanitation - The operator shall maintain all sanitary and hand-washing facilities which may be required, by applicable state or local requirements, in a reasonably clean and adequately supplied condition.
9. Scavenging / Salvaging - Each operation or facility shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Scavenging shall be prohibited;
(b) Salvaging of materials, such as metal, paper, glass and cardboard is permitted subject to conditions established by the LEA, the local land use authority, or other approving agencies.
(c) Drugs, cosmetics, foods, beverages, hazardous wastes, poisons, medical wastes, syringes, needles, pesticides and other materials capable of causing public health or safety problems shall not be salvaged at operations or facilities unless approved by the local health agency and the LEA.
10. Waste Removal - Waste materials shall not be stored in bins or containers on site for more than 7 days in order to prevent the propagation or attraction of flies, rodents or other vectors. Waste materials may not be deposited at the facility. The LEA may impose an alternative frequency if problems are created.
11. Nuisance Control - Each operation and facility shall be conducted and maintained to prevent the creation of a nuisance. Compliance with specific provisions regarding nuisance control in a local land use approval, such as a conditional use permit or California Environmental Quality Act mitigation measures, shall be considered compliance with this standard.
12. Vector Control - The operator shall take adequate steps to control or prevent the propagation, harborage and attraction of flies, rodents, or other vectors, and animals, and to minimize bird attraction.
13. Dust Control - The operator shall take adequate measures to minimize the creation, emission, or accumulation of excessive dust and particulates, and prevent other safety hazards to the public caused by obscured visibility. One or more of the following may be an indication that dust is excessive:
(a) safety hazards due to obscured visibility; or
(b) irritation of the eyes; or
(c) hampered breathing;
(d) migration of dust off-site.
14. Litter Control - Litter at waste collection vehicle yards shall be controlled, and routinely collected to prevent safety hazards, nuisances and off- site migration of similar problems to the greatest extent possible given existing weather conditions.
D. All waste collection vehicle yards must provide information, as required, on waste collection vehicles to the Department or any authorized agent thereof.
E. Waste collection vehicle yards that require extraordinary compliance monitoring by the Department, in excess of that performed for other facilities, as determined by the Department, must submit to additional monitoring.
F. Waste collection vehicle yards that are in violation of this Section and fail to maintain their facility or the public ingress and egress areas clean and in good repair after notification may be cleaned up by the City at the owner’s expense.
G. Waste collection vehicle yards will be charged the amounts specified in the Solid Waste and Recycled Materials Facility Fee table found in Sec. 193.02.7.