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SEC. 154.02. SCOPE.
   (Added by Ord. No. 171,761, Eff. 11/30/97.)
   A.   Any landlord of an apartment house who has been issued an Order to Repair for habitability violations that also violate Section 1941.1 of the California Civil Code or for fire, life safety violations and is 45 or more days delinquent, shall complete a City-approved property management training program. However, the Los Angeles Housing Department (hereinafter “Department”) may waive this requirement where it is established to the Department’s satisfaction that the ability to effect repairs are beyond the landlord’s control. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,122, Eff. 8/8/21.)
   B.   Any landlord of an apartment house who has been found to have a habitability violation pursuant to the Habitability Enforcement Program, Section 153.00 et seq. of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, shall complete a City-approved property management training program.