(Amended by Ord. No. 172,075, Eff. 7/24/98.)
For the purposes of this article:
(a) “Agreement of sale” shall mean any agreement, reduced to writing, which provides that legal title of any real property shall thereafter be conveyed from one owner to another.
(b) “Building” shall mean any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls, for the housing, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind..
(c) “Flushometer valve” shall mean any device which discharges a predetermined quantity of water to fixtures for flushing purposes and is actuated by direct water pressure.
(d) “Low consumption water closet” shall mean any water closet that complies with ANSI Standards of ASME A112.19.2M - 1990 and ASME A112.19.6 - 1990 (or as last revised).
(e) “Low-flow Showerhead” shall mean any showerhead that allows a maximum flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute and meets the National Plumbing Fixture Efficiency Standards which is part of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Public Law 102-486 (October 22, 1992) and/or the energy efficiency standards as described in Title 20 of the California Administrative Code.
(f) “Multi-family residential building” shall mean any residential building with three or more dwelling units, for which a satisfactory verification of condominium status has not been submitted to the Department of Water and Power.
(g) “Owner” shall mean any person, partnership, association, company, corporation or fiduciary in whom or in which is vested legal title to real property improved with residential, commercial or industrial buildings, or who or which possesses the power to convey legal title to such real property.
(h) “Residential Building” shall mean a building or portion thereof designed or used for human habitation.
(I) “Small Business Operation” shall mean any separately metered commercial or industrial operation which has no urinals and which has no more than two showers and two water closets not equipped with flushometer valves and either complying with California Health and Safety Code Section 17921.3 or capable of functioning properly after being retrofitted.
(j) “Water closet flush-reduction device” shall mean a device, such as a tank dam, that when added to or attached to a water closet, will reduce the amount of water used per flush by at least one-half gallon.