The driver of any vehicle which is involved in any collision shall remove or cause to be removed all glass and other debris which may have fallen upon any roadway as a result of such collision from such roadway before leaving the place of the collision and every person hired or employed to move or remove any such vehicle shall remove all glass and other debris which may have fallen upon the roadway as a result of the collision in which the vehicle was involved, before removing the vehicle.
Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle, as defined in the Vehicle Code of the State of California, sounding a siren and having at least one lighted lamp exhibiting red light visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicle, the driver of every other vehicle on any roadway shall yield the right of way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to and as close as possible to the right hand edge or curb of the roadway clear of any intersection and shall thereupon stop and remain in such position until such authorized emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer, special officer or guard.