(Amended by Ord. No. 122,716, Eff. 10/5/62.)
(a) Whenever the Department finds and determines that the travel of vehicles upon any street, public way or portion thereof creates unusual hazards or congestion and that such street is not essential to maintain free circulation of traffic or access to property, the Department shall, subject to the approval of the Council by resolution, close such street to vehicular traffic. Upon receiving, such approval, the Department shall place signs, stanchions, barriers, or other devices thereon, indicating that such street, public way or portion thereof is closed to vehicular traffic and preventing the entry of such traffic as far as practical. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,523, Eff. 7/17/67.)
(b) When such signs, barriers or stanchions are in place upon such street or portion thereof, no person shall operate any vehicle thereon. (Amended by Ord. No. 122,716, Eff. 10/5/62.)