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Sec. 4.106.9. Denial of Application for Reimbursement.
   If the application for reimbursement is approved by the department head, or the Director of the Office of Administration and Research Services, it shall be forwarded to the Purchasing Agent, who shall determine the cost of repair, cost of replacement, or market value of the item, as the case may be, and state such cost value on the application. If the Purchasing Agent finds that such cost for repair, cost of replacement or market value (whichever is applicable) does not exceed the sum of five dollars, plus the amount of reimbursement which the applicant shall be entitled to receive from other sources, if any, the Purchasing Agent shall deny the application and so notify the applicant in writing on the application which shall be returned to the applicant. Such denial shall be final and not subject to review.
Added by Ord. No. 140,180, Eff. 5-15-70.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,308, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.