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Sec. 22.618.4. Expenditure Plan.
   (a)   The House LA Fund program year will be concurrent with the City’s Fiscal Year, from July 1st to June 30th.
   (b)   Between January 1, 2023 and June 30, 2023, prior to creation of the initial expenditure plan, the Department may incur expenditures up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) of funds, to be reimbursed via of the expenditure plan for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 to establish the House LA Fund and House LA Program, including establishment of the Oversight Committee, as referenced in Section 22.618.6, and Tenant Council, as referenced in Section 22.618.3(d)(2)(ii).d.
   (c)   By July 1, 2023, and by July 1st of each subsequent year, the Department shall provide to the Oversight Committee and to the City Council an accounting of House LA Program revenues collected in the previous fiscal year, by expenditure category. The Department shall also provide to the Oversight Committee and the City Council an expenditure plan for the subsequent year, which shall comply, to the maximum extent possible, with the program guidelines developed pursuant to Section 22.618.6(c) of this Code. The expenditure plan shall be approved in the manner provided by law and consistent with the intent of this article.
   (d)   Each annual expenditure plan the Department prepares pursuant to Subsection (c) of this section shall project revenues and expenditures for at least three (3) years. Except for the Program Stabilization Fund under Section 22.618.3(d)(1)(ii).e of this Code, monies in each Fund established under this article must be committed within three (3) years of receipt and expended within five (5) years of the receipt, except for funding for the Alternative Models for Permanent Affordable Housing pursuant to Section 22.618.3(d)(1)(ii).b., which shall be committed within five (5) years and expended within seven (7) years of receipt.
Article and Section Added by Initiative Approved by the Voters on 11-8-22, Ord. No. 187,692, Eff. 1-1-23.