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Sec. 22.1303. Powers and Duties.
   The Executive Director shall exercise the power and duties of Chief Administrative Officer as described in Section 506 of this Code and be responsible for the proper administration of departmental activities, including:
   (a)   Having full charge and control of all work of the Department;
   (b)   Responsibility for the proper administration of its affairs;
   (c)   Appointing, discharging, and transferring all employees of the Department, all subject to the Civil Service provisions of the Charter;
   (d)   Issuing instructions to Department employees in the line of their duties;
   (e)   Providing technical assistance and information as requested in writing by the Mayor or the City Council;
   (f)   Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, submitting an annual administrative budget covering the anticipated expenditures and revenues of the Department for its operation, and conforming to the forms and dates provided in the Charter and ordinances in relation to the general City budget;
   (g)   Expending the funds of the Department in accordance with the provisions of the budget appropriations or appropriations made subsequent to the budget;
   (h)   Designating an employee of the Department other than the Executive Director to serve as the Chief Accounting Employee for the Department;
   (i)   Designating a specific subordinate staff person to be in charge during any absence;
   (j)   Certifying all expenditures of the Chief Accounting Employee of the Department;
   (k)   Executing contracts and contract amendments, subject to the provisions of the Charter, on behalf of the City to implement projects previously approved by the Mayor and the City Council; and
   (l)   Exercising such other powers as may be conferred upon the Executive Director.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 187,125, Eff. 8-8-21.