All boards, officers, departments, and bureaus of the City shall cooperate with the General Manager’s efforts to reduce poverty and improve quality of life for low-income residents and families in the City and, in particular, shall assist and cooperate with the General Manager’s activities and programs supporting these purposes.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 187,122, Eff. 8-8-21.
The Department shall, whenever practical, coordinate its programs with any other similar agency or department so as to avoid duplication of effort and ensure an effective working relationship between the City and other departments or agencies focusing on poverty reduction, social services, neighborhood capital improvement projects, and compliance with any and all applicable laws and regulations.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 187,122, Eff. 8-8-21.
(a) Members of the Community Action Agency’s Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as “Board”) who exercise the powers delegated to them by the Mayor and City Council pursuant to the California Community Services Block Grant Program may be reimbursed for mileage costs, subject to the following:
(1) Mileage reimbursement shall be available only to duly appointed or elected (including elected Alternate Poverty Sector representatives) members of the Board;
(2) Reimbursement shall only be available for mileage incurred within the City of Los Angeles in attending regular meetings of the Board or regular committee meetings of the Board, and other activities and meetings as designated by a Board resolution or as specified by the Board’s By-Laws;
(3) Reimbursement shall be limited to the availability of Federal and State grant funds under the Community Services Block Grant program within the Community Investment for Families Department (hereinafter “Department”) budget account designated as “travel”. The reimbursements must be approved by the grantor as an eligible cost;
(4) Reimbursement shall be at the current city rate for mileage incurred while operating a privately owned motor vehicle to and from meetings and activities as specified in Subdivision (2) of this Subsection (a). The actual mileage subject to reimbursement shall not exceed the equivalent of a round trip between the member’s principal place of residence and the location of the Board’s meeting or activity attended;
(5) No claim for mileage reimbursement shall be honored unless the Board member, before incurring mileage costs, shall have first filed proof with the Department that a satisfactory policy of public liability insurance covering the use and operation of that member’s privately owned vehicle has been obtained and proof that the insurance policy is and will be kept in full force and effect during the time of these trips for which reimbursement is claimed. The limits of liability on such policy shall not be less than $15,000 in the case of injury or death of one person, $30,000 in the case of injury to or death of more than one person, and in the case of property damage not less than $10,000 in any accident. Each policy shall be conditioned as to indemnify the City against loss or liability arising out of the proposed public use of the privately owned vehicle involved to the extent of the above limits of liability; the cost of such insurance policy shall be borne by the Board member;
(6) The Department shall obtain and maintain, subject to the availability of Federal and State grant funds, as a supplement to each individual insurance policy referred to hereinabove, an insurance policy of excess public liability insurance covering the use and operation of each privately owned motor vehicle for which reimbursement could be sought hereunder. That policy shall be kept in full force and effect throughout the period for which any member of the Board may claim reimbursement for mileage. The limits of liability on any such policy shall not be less than $500,000 in the case of injury or death of one person, $1,000,000 in the case of injury or death of more than one person, and in a case of property damage not less than $50,000 in any one accident. The policy shall indemnify the City or pay on behalf of the City up to the extent of the limits of liability, against loss or liability arising out of the use of every vehicle for purposes specified in this Subsection (a);
(7) Members of the Board who do not use their vehicles to attend Board meetings shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of utilizing public transportation to attend Board meetings and activities as specified in Subdivision (2) of this Subsection (a); however, such reimbursement shall not exceed the current city rate per mile traveled round trip from that member’s principal place of residence to those meetings and activities.
(b) The Department shall develop and maintain appropriate City procedures, forms and records needed to implement and administer the provisions of this section.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 187,122, Eff. 8-8-21.