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Sec. 19.174. Procedures for Application and Execution of an Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone Contract.
   (a)   A property owner who is interested in participating in the City’s UAIZ Program must perform the following steps:
   (1)   The property owner, or the property owner’s agent as approved by the DAA, must file an application form with the DAA to enter into a UAIZ Contract;
   (2)   The property owner must use the application form required by the DAA and pay fees established by the DAA, if any; and
   (3)   The property owner must execute and notarize the UAIZ Contract, and submit it to the DAA. The UAIZ contract must be in a form approved and provided by the City, which includes the required provisions as set forth in Section 19.173.
   (b)   The DAA’s responsibilities include:
   (1)   The DAA shall determine eligibility of the property owner for a UAIZ Contract pursuant to this chapter after the property owner submits a complete application to the DAA;
   (2)   If the property owner meets the City’s eligibility criteria, the DAA shall confirm that the unrealized ad valorem property tax revenue does not exceed the maximum allocation, and that the subject property is current on all tax assessments;
   (3)   If the DAA determines that a property owner has received all of the required approvals for a UAIZ Contract pursuant to this chapter, the DAA shall notify the property owner and provide the property owner with the UAIZ Contract; and
   (4)   Once the DAA receives an original, notarized UAIZ Contract from the property owner, the City shall execute the UAIZ Contract and send the original copy of the fully executed UAIZ Contract to the property owner for recordation pursuant to the recordation process set forth in Section 19.175.
Added by Ord. No. 185,022, Eff. 8-6-17.