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Sec. [Expiration; Reauthorizations.]
   (a)   If any portion, sentence, clause or phrase of Subsection 13.64.1(b) is found, by a court of competent jurisdiction, to be invalid because Ordinance No. 178,108 is deemed to have expired, then the provisions in this section shall be controlling as of the original effective date of this section.
   (b)   To the extent reauthorization is required by law upon the expiration of any and all state video franchises, as to each expiration of any affected state video franchisee, Ordinance No. 178,108, and with it Subsection 13.64.1(b), is hereby reauthorized as to that affected state video franchisee. Any and all reauthorizations under the section shall be effective for so long as such reauthorization is required by law.
Added by Ord. No. 184,867, Eff. 5-15-17.