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Sec. 5.563. Receipt and Registration of Personal Property.
   (a)   Each offer of a gift or bequest of personal property to the City for the purposes set forth in this Chapter, the market value of which exceeds $10,000, shall be submitted to the City Council for acceptance or rejection. Each offer of a gift or bequest of personal property not exceeding $10,000 in market value shall be submitted to the Board or its designee for acceptance or rejection.
   (b)   Title to any personal property accepted by either the City Council or by the Board or its designee shall be vested in the City of Los Angeles.
   (c)   The Board or its designee shall cause all personal property, whether acquired by gift or bequest or by purchase through the expenditure of money from the Fund, to be properly registered as required in the City’s Equipment Inventory System.
Added by Ord. No. 181,193, Eff. 7-27-10.