A. There is hereby created a Task Force to be known as the Green Retrofit Development Interdepartmental Task Force. The Task Force shall hold public meetings and perform the following tasks in order to provide guidance and assistance to the Program Director:
1. Provide advice and comments for the development and implementation of the Program;
2. Provide advice and comments in the City’s efforts to seek and apply for grants and other funding sources for the implementation of the City’s Green Retrofit and Workforce Development Program;
3. Develop recommendations and provide advice on project labor agreements, memoranda of understanding, and Local Hire for all work required by the City’s Green Retrofitting Program;
4. Provide advice and comments for the Program to promote a pathway to green careers through employment of workers from green training program(s) and apprenticeship program(s);
5. Provide consultation for the Program to promote inner city economic development by supporting small and disadvantaged green businesses; and
6. Report to the Council on a quarterly basis.
B. The General Managers and Directors, or designees, of the following City departments, bureaus and offices shall be members of the Taskforce:
1. General Services Department (GSD);
2. Bureau of Engineering (BOE);
3. Environmental Affairs Department (EAD);
4. Department of Building and Safety (DBS);
5. Personnel Department;
6. Community Development Department (CDD);
7. Workforce Investment Board;
8. Bureau of Contract Administration;
9. Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA);
10. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO);
11. Department of Recreation and Parks; and
12. Planning Department.
C. The General Managers of the City proprietary departments, or their respective designees, shall be invited to participate as members of the Taskforce.
D. The Program Director shall convene and chair the meetings held by the Taskforce.
Added by Ord. No. 180,633, Eff. 5-26-09.
Amended by: Ord. No. 182,259, Eff. 11-3-12.