A. There is hereby created an advisory council to be known as the Green Retrofit Development Advisory Council (Advisory Council). The Advisory Council shall hold meetings open to the public as often as necessary in order to provide guidance and assistance to the Taskforce. Members shall serve two year terms, with four of the nine members appointed to an initial one year term, subject to the approval of the City Council. The members of the Advisory Council will select a Chair and Vice-Chair from among the members annually on the first meeting of each fiscal year, and implement the following goals:
1. Provide advice and guidance for the development and implementation of the Program;
2. Periodically review the Program’s budget and advice regarding potential funding sources;
3. Notify the Task Force of grants and other funding sources for the implementation of the Program;
4. Develop recommendations and provide advice on project labor agreements, memoranda of understanding, and Local Hire elements for all work required by the Program;
5. Develop recommendations and provide advice on promoting a pathway to green careers through employment of workers from green training program(s) and apprenticeship program(s); and
6. Provide advice to the Taskforce in promoting inner city economic development by supporting small and disadvantaged green businesses.
B. The Green Retrofit Development Advisory Council shall be comprised of nine members to be appointed as follows:
1. Two Labor representatives of whom one will be appointed by the Mayor and the other by the Council President;
2. One LEED® AP to be appointed by the chairperson of the Energy and Environment Committee;
3. One representative of an environmental organization to be selected by the Mayor;
4. One representative of an environmental justice organization to be selected by the Mayor;
5. One workforce development expert to be appointed by the chairperson of the HCED Committee;
6. One representative of a community organization to be selected by the Mayor;
7. One representative of a philanthropic organization to be selected by the Council President; and
8. One academician in the field of architecture, engineering or energy to be appointed by the Mayor.
Added by Ord. No. 180,633, Eff. 5-26-09.
Amended by: Ord. No. 182,259, Eff. 11-3-12.