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Sec. 23.39.7. Regular Election Results.
   The candidate who receives at least 50% plus one of all votes cast shall be elected to the position of employee member.
   Should no candidate receive a majority of all votes cast in the initial election, the City Clerk shall cause the names of the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes to be placed on a ballot to be voted on in a run-off election, subject to all rules, regulations, and procedures governing the initial election. The run-off election shall be conducted within 30 calendar days after the date of certification of the initial election.
   In the event that two or more candidates at the initial election receive an equal number of votes cast, and the number of votes is sufficient to entitle each of them to appear on the ballot of the run-off election, or in the event that both candidates at the run-off election receive an equal number of votes, then the following procedures shall be used.
   In the initial election, if two candidates are tied for the most votes, then both shall be in the run-off election. If more than two candidates are tied for the most votes, then the candidates receiving an equal number of votes shall appear before the City Clerk at the time and place designated by the Clerk and draw lots to determine the top two to be in the run-off election. The City Clerk shall determine the manner in which the lots shall be drawn and, in the event that any candidates involved do not appear, the City Clerk shall act for the absent person or persons in the drawing of the lot. If two or more candidates are tied for the second highest number of votes, then the City Clerk shall use the procedure set forth above to choose the second candidate for the run-off election. Should either or both of the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the initial election for any reason cease to be a member of the System prior to the printing of the ballots for a run-off election, the name or names of the candidate or candidates receiving the next highest number of votes shall be printed on the run-off election ballot.
   In a run-off election, in the case of a tie, the City Clerk shall determine which person shall be declared elected from the tied candidates by using the procedure set forth above.
Added by Ord. No. 178,442, Eff. 4-15-07.