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Sec. 6.754. Notice of Cancellation of Special Tax.
   If the special tax is permanently satisfied as to a particular parcel of land, the City Clerk shall prepare and record in the office of the Los Angeles County Recorder, and the County Recorder shall accept for recordation, a Notice of Cancellation of Special Tax Authorization as to that parcel. The Notice of Cancellation of Special Tax Authorization shall identify with particularity the special tax being cancelled, shall contain the legal description and assessor’s parcel number of the particular parcel of land subject to the tax, and shall contain the name of the owner of record of the parcel. The City Clerk shall mail the original Notice of Cancellation of Special Tax Authorization to the owner of the property after recording the document. The City Clerk may specify a charge for the preparation and recordation of this notice.
Added by Ord. No. 177,051, Eff. 11-20-05.