The City of Los Angeles has a financial and proprietary interest in hospitality operations that lease real property from the City. These operations base their lease, rental or license payments to the City in part on the revenue they generate. Therefore, it is essential that these operations conduct business efficiently and without interruption. The City has found that the efficient and uninterrupted operation of hospitality operations may be threatened by labor disputes. The City's investment in these operations must be shielded from any impact that labor disputes may have on the revenue of these hospitality operations. The City has further found that the City can only protect its investment by requiring its hotel operations lessees to sign contracts with the labor organizations that represent employees in the hospitality industry. These contracts will prohibit the labor organizations and its members from engaging in picketing, work stoppages, boycotts or other economic interference with the business of the hospitality operators, for the duration of their lease with the City.
Added by Ord. No. 176,580, Eff. 5-22-05.