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Sec. 23.134. Authority of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners, with City Council Approval, to Establish Tariffs for Transmission Services Which Would Otherwise Fall Within the Jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
   Notwithstanding any other ordinance, rule or law of the City of Los Angeles to the contrary, the Board of Water and Power Commissioners shall have authority to establish and set all tariffs, terms, conditions and charges, subject to approval by a simple majority vote of the City Council, which relate to transmission services which would otherwise fall within the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or when necessary to avoid the exercise of the jurisdiction of the Federal Regulatory Commission under Section 211 of the Federal Power Act.
Based on Charter, Sec. 220.3.
Repealed, new Section Added, Ord. No. 173,236, Eff. 6-19-00, Oper. 7-1-00.