(a) The Board shall have the power to enter into contracts for services and leases as it deems necessary for the operation, management, maintenance and control of the Monument. The Board shall be subject to the requirements and provisions of the City Charter and of this Code with respect to such contracting and leasing. However, the Board shall not have authority to contract with an individual or firm as a master tenant, developer, or operator of all the commercial property within the Monument, except for that portion of the Monument known as the Pico-Garnier Block.
(b) Because of the need to preserve the stability and character of Olvera Street as a Mexican marketplace, and because under the current circumstances competitive contracting of the concessions on Olvera Street would work an incongruity, would produce no advantage, and would make it impossible to preserve the Street’s unique character and its true essence and flavor, the Council hereby finds that it would be impracticable, and incompatible with the best interests of the City and the Monument, to engage in a competitive contracting process for new concession agreements for the operation of the businesses on Olvera Street. Therefore, the Board is hereby authorized to negotiate new long term concession agreements with the merchants existing on Olvera Street as of June 24, 1999 without any arbitrary or artificial limit as to their duration, but rather with such duration to be determined based on what is negotiated as being fair and reasonable in light of all the other terms and conditions negotiated for the contracts. The Board shall develop the criteria which it proposes to use in determining the lengths of the terms for the contracts so as to treat all merchants equitably regardless of the size of the particular merchant’s business. The criteria shall be submitted to the City Council for its approval prior to the commencement of contract negotiations. The Board shall provide appropriate relocation assistance whenever a continuing tenant’s business must be relocated within the Monument to meet the needs of the Monument. To the extent feasible, whenever a tenant’s business is so relocated it shall be relocated to space that is comparable space to that previously occupied by the business.
Added by Ord. No. 167,902, Eff. 6-13-92.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,290, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.