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Sec. 22.617. Creation And Administration of Fund.
   (a)   There is hereby created and established in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a trust fund to be known as the “Systematic Code Enforcement Fee Trust Fund”, hereinafter referred in this Chapter as the “Fund”.
   (b)   The purpose of the Fund shall be for the collection and deposit of fees, fines and penalties, received from the implementation and administration of Article 1 of Chapter XVI of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
   (c)   Monies collected from fees and from fines and penalties shall be deposited into the Fund. The monies in this Fund shall be used to offset the costs of administering or processing those permits, certificates, or other forms or documents, or to defray the costs of enforcement required to be carried out by city agencies in the course of enforcing Article 1 of Chapter XVI including the costs of inspections in order to investigate complaints to inspect a dwelling unit to ensure the correction of a noticed violation, and fees for copies of reports and records related to the enforcement activity. The Fund shall be administered, and expenditures therefrom shall be authorized by the General Manager of the Los Angeles Housing Department, or the designee thereof, in accordance with established City practice. There shall be no expenditure, transfer or other form of disbursement of monies from the Fund, or any authority provided or granted with respect thereto, except for purposes directly related to the administration and enforcement of Chapter XVI.
   (d)   All interest or other earnings attributable to monies in the Fund shall be credited to the Fund.
   (e)   Monies not expended from the Fund in any fiscal year shall not revert to the Reserve Fund, but shall remain in the Fund.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 172,110, Eff. 8-15-98.
Amended by: Ord. No. 182,718, Eff. 10-30-13; Ord. No. 187,122, Eff. 8-8-21.