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Sec. 20.8. Additional Powers and Duties of the Office of Administrative and Research Services.
   In addition to the powers and duties granted to the Office of Administrative and Research Services by sections 290 through 293 and other provisions of the Charter, the Office of Administrative and Research Services shall have the power and duty to:
   (a)   Revenue Estimating and Long Term Financial Planning. In furtherance of the provisions of Charter section 291 (a) and (d), perform revenue estimating and long term financial and capital planning and report thereon to the Council and Mayor.
   (b)   Debt Issuance and Administration. Structure debt issuances and administer all general fund, special fund and other financing programs, except those of the proprietary departments, in accordance with the City’s Debt Management Policy and other provisions of this Code.
   (c)   Debt Impact Statements. Prior to the adoption of any ordinance or resolution authorizing the incurring of any indebtedness by the City or the placing of any debt authorization on the ballot, prepare a debt impact statement which analyzes the effect of the new debt on the City’s finances and indicates the amount of additional funds required to be budgeted for debt service, in accordance with Charter section 325. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the Mayor from preparing or causing to be prepared a debt impact statement in accordance with the Charter.
   (d)   Risk Management Services. Provide risk management services and assistance, including studies, reports, analyses, assessments and recommendations with respect to risks and potential liabilities presented by the operations, practices and conditions existing in the various City departments, including but not limited to administering funds to provide for losses, placement of insurance contracts, and assisting with the management of claims presented against the City. The City Administrative Officer shall report on a quarterly basis to the Mayor, City Council and the Chief Legislative Analyst regarding the duties relating to risk management.
Added by Ord. No. 173,280, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
Amended by: Subsec. (d) added, Ord No. 175,296, Eff. 7-28-03.