1. For the purposes of this article, “illegal dumping” means depositing or causing to be deposited any combustible or noncombustible rubbish or any refuse of any kind whatsoever upon or in any street, or upon any private premises in this City, or in the Los Angeles River, or in the bed of the River without having obtained a written permit to do so from the Board of Public Works and from the owner of the premises upon which it is proposed to deposit noncombustible rubbish.
2. The City of Los Angeles may pay a reward of $1,000 for information resulting in the identification, apprehension and conviction, or a final adjudication by the Juvenile Court or placement on a supervised program by the probation officer under the provisions of the Welfare and Institutions Code of the State of California, of, or as to, any person or persons who has or have committed acts of illegal dumping.
3. Any person who is providing or has provided information as to the identity of a person or persons who has or have committed acts of illegal dumping, shall complete an “Information and Application for Reward” form prepared by and available from the Office of the City Clerk. In the event the applicant is under 18 years of age, the applicant’s parent or legal guardian must also sign the form indicating the parent’s or legal guardian’s consent to the submission of the application. Upon completion, the applicant shall mail the form to the Los Angeles Police Department (“Department”) at the address indicated on the form. All applications must be submitted within 60 days of the date of the act referred to in the application.
4. A determination shall be made by the Department, in consultation as necessary with the Office of the City Attorney, Office of the District Attorney, the Probation Department and the Juvenile Court, as to whether the information has resulted in the identification, apprehension and conviction, or a final adjudication by the Juvenile Court or placement on a supervised program by the probation officer under the provisions of the Welfare and Institutions Code of the State of California, of or as to any person or persons who has or have committed an act or acts of illegal dumping. If it so determines, the Department shall transmit a report to the City Council setting forth the information, the name of the person providing such information, and recommending payment of a reward. In the event the information resulted in a final adjudication by the Juvenile Court or placement on a supervised program by the probation officer the name of the juvenile shall not appear in the report and in all other respects the Department shall comply with the confidentiality provisions of the Welfare and Institutions Code of the State of California. If the Department determines that no conviction or final adjudication by a Juvenile Court or placement on a supervised program has resulted from the information provided, the Department shall in writing so notify the person providing the information. If the person receiving this notice disagrees with the determination of the Department, that person may appeal to the Council. The appeal shall set forth in writing the reasons why the person disagrees with the Department’s determination and shall request Council determination as to entitlement to a reward. All appeals shall be submitted to the Council within 60 days after the date notification is sent.
5. Upon review of the reports or appeals and any other information, evidence, finding or report it deems relevant, the City Council shall determine whether the information submitted resulted in the identification, apprehension and conviction, or a final adjudication by a Juvenile Court or placement on a supervised program by the probation officer under the Welfare and Institutions Code of the State of California, of, or as to, the person or persons responsible in whole or in part for the act or acts of illegal dumping, under consideration. If the Council by adoption of a motion, resolution or committee report makes this determination, it shall approve the payment of a reward in the sum of $1,000 in the aggregate to the person or persons identified as having submitted information, and instruct the City Clerk to file the necessary report with the City Controller to cause the reward to be paid as directed by Council, from the Illegal Dumping Reward Program Trust Fund.
Added by Ord. No. 174,789, Eff. 10-5-02.