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Sec. 19.129.6. Creation of Fund.
   1.   A trust fund entitled “Illegal Dumping Reward Program Trust Fund,” to be administered by the City Clerk, is established in the City Treasury. The Fund shall be for the deposit of money for, and payment of rewards to persons who, in response to the offer of reward, have provided information resulting in the identification, apprehension and conviction or a final adjudication by the Juvenile Court or placement on a supervised program by the probation officer under the provisions of the Welfare and Institutions Code of the State of California, of, or as to, the person or persons who have committed acts of illegal dumping.
   2.   The City may provide an appropriation to the Fund in the budget each year as a part of the appropriations to the Special Purpose Funds, and the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, may appropriate other money from time to time during the year, as needed, to accomplish the payment of rewards provided for in this article.
   3.   All monetary gifts, contributions or bequests accepted by the City for the purposes set forth in this section shall be placed in the Fund. All gifts contributions or bequests to the Fund which exceed $5,000 shall be submitted to the City Council for acceptance or rejection. All gifts, contribution or bequests of $5,000 or less may be accepted or rejected by the City Clerk.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 174,789, Eff. 10-5-02.