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Sec. 19.56. Recommendation to Governing Body.
   If the Board finds that by reason of the location and small size of the land or the nature of the interest of the City therein, competitive bids would not be feasible or practicable in the opinion of the Board, it shall report to the Governing Body its opinion and recommendations as to the advisability of the City entering into a Petroleum lease as a co-lessor in a community Petroleum lease or in a pooling Petroleum lease without competitive bidding.
   If the Board finds that by reason of location, size of the land or the nature of the interest of the City therein, competitive bidding would be feasible and practicable, and that Petroleum exploration and production would not substantially interfere with or cause inconvenience to use of the lands for the intended use of the City, it shall report to the Governing Body its opinion and recommendation, and a lease or agreement respecting said lands or interest therein may be offered by means of sealed competitive bids as provided by this chapter.
Based on Ord. No. 114,262.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,363, Eff. 7-29-00, Oper. 7-1-00; In Entirety, Ord. No. 185,205, Eff. 11-22-17.