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Sec. 13.73. Objections by Property Owners.
   The property owners herein mentioned may make written objection to a spur track permit application at any time prior to the hearing of the application thereon. Such objection shall contain a description of the property affected and shall be filed with the Board of Transportation Commissioners at any time prior to the hearing on the application. The Commission shall give the applicant and affected property owners who have timely filed objections to the application as herein provided an opportunity to be heard at its regular meeting, or a special meeting which may be called for that purpose, and thereafter the Commission shall report its recommendation to the City Council. No application for a spur track permit shall be granted by the City Council against the recommendation of the Commission, except by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of said Council.
Based on Ord. No. 61,206.
Amended by: Ord. No. 151,832, Eff. 2-10-79; Oper. 2-25-79; Ord. No. 156,921, Eff 10-15-82.