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Sec. 13.25.1. Amount of Deposit.
   A.   Every application, as referred to in Section 13.25, for the following types of franchises shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, or a certified check for said amount, payable to the City Treasurer and certified by some responsible bank in the City of Los Angeles as a fund out of which to pay all expenses connected with the processing of such application as follows:
Each application for a cable television franchise   $3,000
Each application for a communications line franchise   $2,500
Each application for a pipeline franchise   $6,000
Each application for a railroad franchise   $3,000
Each application for a taxicab franchise   $6,000
   B.   In addition to the deposits established in Subsection A. above, each such applicant and each existing franchise grantee who makes an application for additional franchise facilities pursuant to the terms and conditions of its franchise, shall deposit with the City that sum estimated by the responsible City department to be sufficient to reimburse the City of all costs of conducting the CEQA environmental review of the application. This deposit shall not apply to applications for taxicab franchises.
   1.   The deposit may vary in amount from time to time depending upon the scope of the environmental review process and on the estimated City costs reasonably anticipated as necessary to provide the work, provided that the estimated sum required to be deposited shall be based upon and not be inconsistent with the actual costs of similar work done by the responsible department in the regular course of its duties. The amount of the deposit may be increased by the responsible departments at any time the remaining balance on estimated City costs. In the event costs incurred by the City are less than the deposit received by the City, the applicant shall be entitled to reimbursement of the excess from the deposit.
   2.   Money received as a deposit from an applicant shall be deposited into the responsible department Trust Fund and shall be transferred to the General Fund to first reimburse the City costs incurred in conducting the environmental review.
   3.   The costs that are to be reimbursed for each City department shall consist of the actual costs of the City which include, but are not limited to: wages including overtime, retirement, compensated time off and other benefits, bureau/division overhead, departmental overhead and general City overhead, which are incurred in connection with the employees assigned to perform the environmental review and processing of an application, the direct costs of material and equipment required to provide the review and processing work, the reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by any employee assigned to perform the review and processing work and the cost of hiring outside consultants necessary to provide the City with special expertise.
Added by Ord. No. 160,437, Eff. 11-21-85.
Amended by: Ord. No. 169,348, Eff. 3-18-94; Ord. No. 174,007, Eff. 7-7-01.