Such advertisement shall state the character of the franchise, permit or privilege proposed to be granted, and if it be for a street railroad or an interurban railroad or an underground or elevated street or interurban railroad, the route to be traversed, shall state the amount of the bond required to be filed by the Grantee to insure the faithful performance of the conditions of such franchise; shall state, (except in the case of a franchise granted for ten (10) years to replace a franchise about to expire), that sealed bids therefor will be opened at a stated time and place, and that the franchise, permit or privilege will be awarded to the bidder offering:
A. To pay to the City, during the life of the franchise, permit or privilege, the highest percentage of gross annual receipts received from the use, operation or possession of such franchise, permit or privilege, provided, that such percentage of gross annual receipts shall not be less than two per cent (2%) of such gross annual receipts; or
B. To pay to the City such other compensation or consideration for the use, permit or privilege as may be prescribed by the City Council in the advertisement for bids and notice of sale; provided that Subsection A. of this section shall not be included in any advertisement for bids for any franchise granted to any interstate railroad, or for any franchise for oil, gas or other pipeline, or for any other franchise where in the opinion of the Board of Transportation Commissioners in connection with any railroad franchise, or the Board of Public Works for any other franchise, it is impractical to compute net or gross receipts for that portion of the railroad, pipeline or other privilege covered by said proposed franchise; and provided that the City Council may, in said advertisement for bids and notice of sale, invite bids on any one, or all, or any part of the bases prescribed under Subsections A. and B. of this section.
C. The terms and conditions to be imposed upon the Grantee on account of the use, operation or possession of such franchise, permit or privilege, shall be included in said advertisement for bids and notice of sale.
Based on Ord. No. 58,200.
Amended by: Ord. No. 151,832, Eff. 2-10-79, Oper. 2-26-79; Subsec. B., Ord. No. 185,204, Eff. 11-22-17.