The City of Los Angeles, in addition to any other rights and powers now held by it, or that hereafter may be granted to it under the constitution or laws of the State, shall have the right and power, subject to the restrictions contained in the Charter:
a. To grant franchises for the operation of public utilities.
b. To regulate the operation of and to fix the rates of privately owned public utilities and public services and to compel from time to time reasonable extensions of the facilities for service of any such utility or service, all in a manner not in conflict with any paramount regulation, rate fixing or extension requirements for any such utility or service by the State or nation.
c. To acquire, construct, maintain, operate or sell public utilities within or without the City or State, either by the City itself or in conjunction with other cities or governmental bodies, and to make contracts in connection therewith.
Subsec. a based on Charter, Sec. 2(11)(h); Subsec. b on Charter, Sec. 2(11)(i); Subsec. c on Charter, Sec. 2(11)(j).