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Sec. 10.10. Child Support Assignment Orders.
   a.   Definitions.
   1.   Awarding Authority means a subordinate or component entity or person of the City (such as a City department or Board of Commissioners) that has the authority to enter into a contract or agreement for the provision of goods or services on behalf of the City of Los Angeles.
   2.   Contract means any agreement, franchise, lease or concession including an agreement for any occasional professional or technical personal services, the performance of any work or service, the provision of any materials or supplies, or the rendering of any service to the City of Los Angeles or to the public which is let, awarded or entered into with, or on behalf of, the City of Los Angeles or any awarding authority thereof.
   3.   Contractor means any person, firm, corporation, partnership or any combination thereof which submits a bid or proposal or enters into a contract with any awarding authority of the City of Los Angeles.
   4.   Subcontractor means any person, firm, corporation, partnership or any combination thereof who enters into a contract with a contractor to perform or provide a portion of any contract with the City.
   5.   Principal Owner means any person who owns an interest of 10 percent or more in a contractor or subcontractor as defined herein.
   b.   Mandatory Contract Provisions. Every contract that is let, awarded or entered into with or on behalf of the City of Los Angeles shall contain a provision obligating the contractor or subcontractor to fully comply with all applicable State and Federal employment reporting requirements for the contractor or subcontractor’s employees. The contractor or subcontractor will also be required to certify that the principal owner(s) thereof are in compliance with any Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment applicable to them personally, that the contractor or subcontractor will fully comply with all lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignments in accordance with California Family Code §§5230 et seq. and that the contractor or subcontractor will maintain such compliance throughout the term of the contract.
   Failure of a contractor or subcontractor to comply with all applicable reporting requirements or to implement lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignments or Notices of Assignment or failure of the principal owner(s) to comply with any Wage and Earnings Assignments or Notices of Assignment applicable to them personally shall constitute a default under the contract. Failure of the contractor or subcontractor or principal owner thereof to cure the default within 90 days of notice of such default by the City shall subject the contract to termination.
   c.   Notice to Bidders. Each awarding authority shall be responsible for giving notice of the provisions of this ordinance to those who bid on, or submit proposals for, prospective contracts with the City.
   d.   Current Contractor Compliance. Within 30 days of the operative date of this ordinance, the City, through its operating departments, shall serve upon existing contractors a written request that they and their subcontractors (if any) comply with all applicable State and Federal employment reporting requirements for the contractor and subcontractor’s employees, that they certify that the principal owner(s) of the contractor and any subcontractor are in compliance with any Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment applicable to them personally, that the contractor and subcontractor will fully comply with all lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignments in accordance with California Family Code §§ 5230 et seq. and that the contractor and subcontractor will maintain such compliance throughout the term of the contract.
   e.   City’s Compliance with California Family Code. The City shall maintain its compliance with the provisions of California Family Code §§5230 et seq. and all other applicable law regarding its obligations as an employer to implement lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignments and Notices of Assignment.
   f.   Report of Employees’ Names to District Attorney.
   1.   The City shall maintain its current practice of assisting the District Attorney’s support enforcement activities by annually reporting to the Los Angeles County District Attorney the names of all of its employees and retirees so that the District Attorney may identify those employees and retirees subject to Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment and may establish court orders for support, where appropriate. Should the District Attorney so request it, the City will provide such information on a more frequent basis.
   2.   All applicants for employment with the City of Los Angeles will be asked to acknowledge their responsibility to comply with any court-ordered support obligations and will be advised of the City’s practice of assisting the District Attorney as described in the provisions of Subsection f.1., above.
Added by Ord. No. 172,401, Eff.2-13-99.