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Sec. 8.25. Mayor.
   For purposes of this chapter, the term “Mayor” shall include in addition to the elected or appointed Mayor, the President of the City Council, the President Pro Tempore of the City Council, the Assistant President Pro Tempore of the City Council, in that order, and thereafter the remaining members of the City Council in the following sequence of succession based upon seniority.
   In the event of sickness, absence from the City, or disability of the Assistant Pro Tempore, or in the case of a vacancy in that office, the most senior member of the Council not similarly disqualified shall act as the Assistant President Pro Tempore as provided herein. The sequence of succession to so act shall be based upon seniority, the most senior person being determined by the greatest cumulative time in office as a member of the City Council; provided, however, that in the event two or more of those members eligible to have the same seniority in office, the authority for one of those members to act as Assistant President Pro Tempore shall be determined by alphabetical priority according to the beginning letter and, if necessary, by the letters following the beginning letter as they sequentially appear in each of those members’ surnames, given names, and middle names, in that order, until alphabetical priority shall have been determined. In each case, the highest priority in the alphabetical sequence shall be the letter “A.
   The member with authority to act as Assistant President Pro Tempore as determined pursuant to above sequence of succession, shall exercise the powers and duties of the Assistant President Pro Tempore only so long as the President, the President Pro Tempore or the Assistant President Pro Tempore, or another member of the City Council with higher priority to act according to the above sequence of succession, is disqualified from acting for one or more reasons hereinabove set forth.
Added by Ord. No. 158,695, Eff. 3-12-84.