Upon a demonstrated show of support, through petition, of at least 30% of the weighted property owners who will pay into the proposed assessment district, the City Clerk will bring the issue of the proposed district to the City Council Committee on Community and Economic Development or such other committee as may be designated by the City Council. Upon review of the Clerk’s office and approval of the Council Committee on Community and Economic Development, the proposed district with the Ordinance of Intention shall be sent to the City Council for consideration.
Upon the recommendations of the Community and Economic Development Community and the filing of said report, the City Clerk shall present the same to City Council for its consideration and the City Council may approve, correct or modify the same in any respect, or may direct the City Clerk to make changes therein. When said report has been approved, or approved as modified and corrected, the City Council may pass an ordinance declaring its intention to establish the district.
Added by Ord. No. 173,167, Eff. 5-15-00.