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Sec. 6.136. Formation of District.
   Proceedings for the formation of an Open Space Maintenance District may be initiated by petition signed by the owners of assessable land in the proposed District, as shown by the last Equalized Assessment Roll of the county or as their names appear upon the real property ownership records of the City Engineer’s office owning lands of an assessed value of not less than fifty-one per cent (51%) of the total assessed value of all assessable land in the District, as shown by the last equalized County Assessment Roll, which lands also constitute more than one-half of the area of all assessable land in the proposed District. The petition shall contain a general description of the exterior boundaries of the proposed District, a general description of the open spaces to be maintained or improved, a general description of the work or improvement to be done on the Open Spaces, and a statement that the petition is filed pursuant to this article. The petition shall be filed with the City Engineer, who shall check or cause it to be checked. If it is signed by the requisite number of qualified signers, the City Engineer shall make the City Engineer’s certificate to that effect and shall present the petition and certificate to the Council.
Based on Ord. No. 129,015.
Amended by: Ord. No. 181,595, Eff. 4-10-11.