Where a public water supply is reasonably accessible or required because of groundwater pollution problems, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete water distribution system including a service connection for each proposed lot. Appropriately placed fire hydrants will be required by the Lordstown Board of Public Affairs. Public water distribution and public well systems shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency as cited in the Ohio Revised Code.
When a public water main is accessible, the developer shall install adequate water facilities subject to the specifications of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the Village Board of Public Affairs. Residential subdivisions shall be connected to an existing public water supply system if such service is available.
Whenever the Lordstown Board of Public Affairs deems it necessary, water mains shall be extended beyond the limits of the project and looped so as to eliminate dead ends. This shall be included with the costs of the entire project.
Water lines shall be located and sized as determined by the Lordstown Board of Public Affairs, based on engineering considerations, district requirements and the General Plan of the area where the subdivision is proposed. Unless special conditions warrant the installation of smaller water lines or increased volume of water needs by the subdivision require larger water lines, all water mains shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches in size.
Water mains shall be constructed along the full frontage of a premises when platted, or when in the opinion of the Board of Public Affairs, unplatted premises are in the same category as if platted. Water mains along unplatted and undeveloped premises may be constructed to a point selected by the Board of Public Affairs. In special cases, the Board of Public Affairs may waive the above requirements when there is no possibility of a water main being needed beyond the premises.
A separate water service shall be constructed for each lot to be served. Each unit of a duplex shall have its own separate water service. Any multiplex units shall require provisions to accommodate and be accessible for a meter manifold system. All services shall be at least one (1) inch and extend to the edge of the right of way or easement ended with a curb stop and curb box.
A “Permit to Install” shall be acquired from the Ohio EPA prior to commencing construction.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)