(a) There shall be no more than one residential building or structure located on a single Residential lot Classified as R-1 as recorded in the Office of the Trumbull County Recorder and listed as a single unit on the Tax Duplicate of the Trumbull County Auditor. A roadway constructed to Village of Lordstown Standards shall be required to service the individual residential structures, including duplex, townhouse and apartment buildings, in order to provide access for fire equipment and safety officials. Condominium developments that are in compliance with Ohio Revised Code 5311 shall be exempt.
(b) Any building or structure serviced by an individual sewage disposal system shall be permitted on the same “Lot of Record” with the sewage disposal system in accordance to the requirements of these Regulations and the Trumbull County Board of Health.
(c) No new buildings shall be constructed or placed on the site of the proposed subdivision until the subdivision has been approved in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and recorded in the office of the Trumbull County Recorder. For additional restrictions on building after approval see Section 1108.02.
(d) No buildings or structures (temporary or permanent) shall be constructed within any easement area.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)