(a) Lot Arrangement.
(1) Lots shall conform to the design requirements set forth in these Regulations, and shall be arranged to accommodate building sites of the size, dimension and character required for the district in which they are located and for the use for which they are intended as set forth in the Village of Lordstown zoning requirements.
(2) Lots shall conform to minimum lot area, width, and yard requirements as defined in these regulations, and to the regulations of the Trumbull County Board of Health, where applicable.
(3) Where soil conditions are of such a nature that proper operation of wells and sewage disposal systems may be impaired, the Planning Commission, upon recommendation from the Board of Health, may increase the size of any or all lots in the subdivision or may deny approval of the subdivision.
(4) A lot fronting on a dedicated road right of way shall include the right of way as part of the property description.
(b) Lot Orientation.
(1) Residential lots shall front on a dedicated public street.
(2) The lot line common to the street right of way shall be the front line. All lots shall face the front line and a similar line across the street. Wherever feasible, lots shall be arranged so that the rear line does not abut the side line of an adjacent lot.
(c) Lot Dimensions. Minimum lot area, frontage, width and yard requirements shall be determined based on the water and sewage systems available to service the lot. Lots serviced with a public water and sewage treatment facility shall comply with existing Village zoning regulations. Lots serviced without public water or sewage treatment facility shall comply with the Planning and Zoning Code, provided that the lot dimensions and size are not less than the minimum established in the appropriate Village zoning classification.
(d) Lot Frontage.
(1) A lot shall have not less than the required uninterrupted, continuous frontage as specified in these Regulations or other minimum width of frontage greater than that which is specified herein.
(2) Lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall not have less than fifty (50) feet of uninterrupted, continuous frontage as measured along the right of way.
(3) Frontage shall be the distance between property lines as measured along the street right-of-way line.
(4) All lots shall have their full frontage along a dedicated public street.
(e) Lot Width and Depth.
(1) A lot shall have an minimum depth not less than two hundred (200) feet.
(2) Depth shall be measured perpendicular from the center of the right of way (center line) and shall include that portion within the street right of way.
(3) A lot shall have a minimum width of not less than one hundred (100) feet. The specified frontage is from any point along a side lot line to the opposite lot line as measured perpendicular from that point.
(f) Lot Lines.
(1) Lot lines shall follow, county, Village, and township boundary lines where possible. Should a parcel cross boundary lines as previously stated, then the following language shall be included on the final plat if a major subdivision, and on the deed or other instrument of conveyance if a minor subdivision:
“Although the land described herein shall be considered as two (2) or more separate and distinct tracts for taxing purposes, be it because taxing districts, township, municipal corporation, and/or county lines run through the land, all land described herein shall be considered as one (1) parcel for subdivision purposes, and no part thereof shall be sold or transferred separately without approval of the Village of Lordstown Planning Commission or its successor, pursuant to the applicable Subdivision Regulations in effect at the time of the proposed sale or transfer.”
(2) Lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to street lines, unless a variation from these rules will give a better street or lot plan as approved by the Planning Commission. All side lot lines shall be at right angles to right-of- way lines and radial to curved right-of-way lines unless approved by the Planning Commission. A proposed lot fronting on a right of way on which the majority of lots within one thousand six hundred (1,600) feet have side lot lines with some other uniform or established orientation, may have side lot lines conforming to said other uniform or established orientation, except where natural or physical features suggest another suitable or appropriate orientation. However, side lot lines shall not deflect more than thirty (30) degrees from the perpendicular in relation to street center lines.
(3) A side lot line shall maintain the same angle of deflection between the front lot line and the minimum building setback line as established by the zoning resolution or these Regulations.
(g) Double Frontage Lots. Double frontage lots shall be prohibited except where extreme conditions in elevation prevent access to the lot from one of the rights of way and/or where it is necessary to separate residential lots from one or more major arterial thoroughfares. Where a double-frontage lot is created adjacent to and/or abutting a collector or arterial street, the subdivider shall provide and note on the final plat a planting screen easement of at least twenty (20) feet in depth along the collector or arterial street, as approved by the Planning Commission.
(h) Access.
(1) Lots shall not be created by dividing land at the end of stub streets which are intended to promote continuity of street systems in adjoining subdivisions. If such a division is proposed, the stub street shall be constructed as a cul-de-sac street (permanent dead-end street) in accordance with Section 1105.14(a) of these Regulations. When a street terminates as a segment of a continuing street plan within a proposed subdivision, the remaining acreage of the original tract may become a separate parcel if the stub street is constructed as a temporary dead-end street in accordance with Section 1105.14(b) of these Regulations.
(2) A strip of land providing access to more than one (1) parcel of land shall be dedicated as a public street and shall be improved by the developer or subdivider in accordance with these Regulations.
(3) The subdivision of land shall be such as to provide each lot with frontage on a dedicated public street.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)