1104.04 BLOCKS.
The following regulations shall govern the design and layout of blocks.
   (a)   Arrangement. The arrangement of blocks shall conform to the street design criteria set forth in these Regulations. Blocks shall be arranged to accommodate lots and building sites of the size and character required by these Regulations and any applicable zoning resolution to provide for adequate community facilities, convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic with regard of the limitations and opportunities of topography.
   (b)   Shape.  Irregularly shaped blocks, blocks intended for cul-de-sacs and loop streets, and blocks containing interior parks and playgrounds may be approved by the Planning Commission if properly designed and located.
   (c)   Length.  No block shall be longer than one thousand six hundred (1,600) feet, or twelve (12) times the minimum lot width required in the zoning district, and no less than eight hundred (800) feet. Cross streets shall be provided between blocks.
   (d)   Width. Blocks’ width shall be sufficient to provide for two tiers of lots except where unusual topography or other exceptional physical circumstance exists.
   (e)   Walkway Easement.  Where blocks are greater than nine hundred (900) feet in length, a walkway easement not less than ten (10) feet in width at or near the halfway point of the block shall be required between streets to provide proper access within the proposed subdivision to schools, recreation areas, shopping centers and other facilities. Sidewalks shall be constructed within the walkway easement in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations. The Planning Commission may require similar easements in a proposed subdivision as it deems necessary and appropriate.
   (f)   Non-Residential Uses.  The depth and width of blocks laid out or reserved for non- residential purposes shall be adequate to provide for off-street parking and service facilities required by the type of use and development contemplated.
   (g)   Buffers.  A subdivider shall provide for and note on the final plat a permanent reservation or easement area to accommodate a buffer strip where a residential lot in a subdivision backs up to an industrial or commercial area, a railroad right of way, a high pressure gasoline or natural gas line, open drainage ditch, an arterial street or interstate highway or other existing land use which may have a detrimental effect on the residential use of the property. The buffer strip shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet between the property line and the proposed residential use and landscaped in accordance with the standards as specified in Chapter 1107.
      (Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)